The USA should have been successful in Vietnam because of its technological and military supremacy/ however, the USA failed to use this supremacy effectively to defeat a smaller, less advanced enemy. Do you agree or disagree with the interpretat

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History coursework question 2

‘The USA should have been successful in Vietnam because of its technological and military supremacy/ however, the USA failed to use this supremacy effectively to defeat a smaller, less advanced enemy.’

Do you agree or disagree with the interpretation? Explain your answer using sources D to K and knowledge from your studies.

In the Vietnam War America failed to win the war even though they had loads of technology and a huge military supremacy because they failed to use this correct fully and didn’t have any real tactics. America had many different types of weapons such as saturating bombing from their B-52 planes, which were the most highly advanced at the time of the war. Another example of things that were more advanced than the Vietcong army was chemical warfare, there were 3 types of this and they were Napalm, Agent Orange and agent blue. These all killed many innocent Vietnamese peasants which many American citizens disagreed with. The Vietcong fought against the American army by using things such as guerrilla warfare, the Ho Chi Minh trail and their tunnelling systems. In the end Vietcong won the Americans because they had outstanding knowledge of the surround land of where they were fighting such as the jungle areas, this benefited them as the Americans had better supremacy in both technology and military.

The war that they were fighting was the war to take over Vietnam, this war was still continuing after both France and Japan had attempted to win and both been defeated by the Vietminh army. They both lost this war because they didn’t know the area well enough to take any short cuts and also they didn’t have enough troops as they had not long came out of the second world war. During both these countries attempts to win America had helped by sending weapons and money to buy essentials but they refused to send any troops to help. After both these countries lost; America became worried that the Vietnam land was going to be lost and the whole of Vietnam would turn communist; as a result of this the domino theory would take effect.

Source D is a bar chart showing an estimate of the troops and service men sent from America, those who were landed in China beach, Saigon between the years 1962 and 1972. Before the year 1965, the men sent were low as they were only service men, which were used as military advisers for America’s leader Diem until 1963 when he got assassinated and ARVN took over. I can only assume that this was produced by the American government after they had withdrew all of the troops out of the war or after the war had ended. In 1965 the amount of troops began to increase rapidly this was because the Americans new that they were loosing the war, however in 1968 a new president took over America. President Richard Nixon won the vote because he promised his country that he would remove all troops from Vietnam by using a procedure called Vietnamisation, he also won the vote by saying he would make a peace movement which meant an American withdrawal and the takeover of South Vietnam by the communist North. When he first got the vote people would of began to loose fait in him because it took him a whole year to start taking troops out of Vietnam, this is why we notice a gradual drop in the amount of troops. The chart is useful because It allows us to get an overview of how many men were send; it is also trustworthy because we think it was made by the American government so it would have been about their own country. But the source has its limitations because it isn’t the real figures and also because the Americans never totally withdrew until 1973 and the bar chart doesn’t show any figures for this year.

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Source E is a map that would appear in a test book and would be used for educational reasons. This is a secondary source, as it would have been produced after the war to show people what happened in 1964 at the Gulf of Tonkin. This source is generally accurate even though it was produced by the Americans; the only thing I’m unsure about is the American ships been destroyed or attacked in international waters. As this was a claim that Lyndon Johnson made; he said that the Vietcong had attacked his ships so he attacked Vietnam, Johnston had ...

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