Alliance Origins and their Affect on the Outbreak of WWI
The First World War began after a complex series of events, which had distinct roots that can be found in the foreign policies of European countries’ governments. It is not easy to explain how a conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia developed into a world war but it can be figured out through careful examination of the alliance systems at the outbreak of the war. Rivalries were increasing and quite evident in the twenty years preceding the war. The network of alliances had shifted the advantages of a winning war for various countries throughout this time because of the considerable number of sides changed by different countries. When it all came down to it however, it was the Central Powers consisting of Germany and Austria-Hungary against the Triple Entente consisting of France, Great Britain and Russia. The foreign policies prior to the July crisis of 1914 were most definitely conductive to the outbreak of the war and essential in the escalation of hostilities between the countries of Europe.
The first chancellor of unified Germany, Bismarck, is usually held most responsible for the creation of the Triple Alliance. “Bismarck first tried an arrangement with both Austria-Hungary and Russia, but this Dreikaiserbund (Three Emperor’s League) shattered on Austro-Hungarian and Russian competition in the Balkans” (Tucker 2). Bismarck then initiates a duel alliance with their closest ally, Austria-Hungary, and he makes certain that Germany will not be inclined into any of the internal affairs that plagued Austria-Hungary because the empire was “a polity of five major religions and a dozen languages survived in dread by ethnic subversion” (Keegan 48). Bismarck manages the return of the Three Emperor’s League in 1881 and soon after, he forms the Triple Alliance between Austria-Hungary, Italy and his native Germany. Bismarck also cleverly negotiated the Reinsurance Treaty between Germany and Russia, which stated that each country would stay neutral if the other country were attacked. This treaty would prevent a two front war for Germany. The war for Germany would seem to be a great success from all the alliances formed under the wonderful judgment of Bismarck.