The elections were held on March 5th 1933 and the Nazis surprisingly only increased their majority from 33.1 per cent to 43.9 per cent. This meant that they still did not have a majority in the Reichstag and could only claim majority via the help of the Nationalist party.
Hitler’s next step towards full control of Germany was to control the media. He decided that the best way to do this was to create a Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. This ministry was lead by Joseph Goebbels whose “cynical understanding of mass psychology” made him a formidable figure. The aim of the ministry was to control and censor all the sources of mass media and use them to work for the Nazis. In this way the Nazis eradicated freedom of speech on a wide scale legally.
Despite Hitler’s problems with majority within the Reichstag he decided to propose the passing of an Enabling Act which would suspend parliamentary procedure and legislation for a period of four years. If this were passed the dictatorship which Hitler aimed to create would be grounded in legality. However in order to pass this decree he needed to gain the support of other parties in the Reichstag to give him two thirds of the vote. The first meeting to discuss the passing of the Enabling Act on 23rd March 1933 was an ugly affair with Communists being refused admittance and arrested and other members of the Reichstag facing badgering from the assembled masses of the SA who surrounded the building.
The Nazis realised that they still needed two-thirds majority and as they could assume that the Social Democrats would vote against them they looked to gain the support of the Catholic Centre party. Hitler promised in a speech made on the 23rd March to respect the Catholic Church’s rights and to uphold moral and religious values within Germany. So on the 24th March it was only the Social Democrats who voted against the Enabling Act and it was passed by 444 votes to 94. Germany had by now succumbed to what Bracher called “legal revolution”. Hitler did not hold full power in Germany yet though he spent the next seventeen months consolidating his power until he had created a “legal dictatorship”.
Hitler’s next major step toward complete power was to finally remove any influence the Communists might have within Germany by on 7th April 1933 introducing the Restoration of Professional Civil Service. This aimed to purge all public jobs such as courts, schools and universities of known political opponents particularly Communists, and also of Jews. On the 2nd June all trade union offices were seized and incorporated into a German Labour Front, which could be easily controlled by the Nazis.
Hitler completely eradicated the influence other political parties had in Germany when on 14th July 1933 he passed the law on the formation of new parties. This law forbade the creation of new political parties and as the Communist party the KPD and the Social Democrat party the SPD were already banned and many other parties had dissolved themselves Germany essentially became a one party state. This policy was complemented by the signing six days later of the Concordat between the State and the Catholic Church. In this Concordat the Vatican promised to not become involved in politics in return for protection of Catholic religious freedom and an allowance for the church to administer its own affairs.
The final major conflict in Germany, which was preventing Hitler gaining overall power in Germany, was that between the army and the SA. Hitler was by July 1933 becoming increasingly concerned by the actions of party activists, which were damaging his relationship with the conservative elite whose support he still needed. In a speech made on July 6th 1933 Hitler warned of the threat a permanent state of revolution would cause and formally declared an end to the revolution asking for all energies to be channelled into evolution. This speech demanded that the Nazi party accept the current compromise situation between the Nazis and the conservative elite.
These calls were ignored by many within the party particularly within the SA. These groups called for a second revolution attacking the forces of the German establishment. The SA was made up of working class people many of whom could not understand the need for the compromise with the conservative elite. They were also disappointed by the small personal gain they were getting now the Nazis had gained power. The leader of the SA Ernst Rohm began to become increasingly disillusioned with Hitler’s politics during this period and was one of the major supporters for the “Genuine National Socialist Revolution”. The main concern for Rohm was the future of the SA; he did not want to see the SA become merely a propaganda weapon for the Nazis now that the street fighting was over. Rohm wanted the SA to become integrated with the army into a people’s militia, which he would command. from
Hitler was caught in a difficult position. On one side was two and a half million loyal Nazis led by his oldest political friend Rohm and on the other was the army who were the only threat to Hitler left in Germany. The army although being small (100,000 men as stated in the Versailles treaty of 1919) had the military skills to overthrow Hitler. Hitler also needed the army if he was to ever complete his ambitious foreign policies. The army’s support was also necessary if Hitler was to become Head of State when President Hindenburg died. Another factor in the problem was that President Hindenburg still had power over Hitler and he was a major supporter of the army who saw their traditions and standing being threatened by the proposed merger. So he forbade Hitler from completing the merger lest he be removed from his position as Chancellor.
Hitler attempted to avoid the issue but the crisis finally came to a head in the spring of 1934 when it became apparent that Hindenburg did not have much longer to live. It was therefore a necessity for Hitler to gain the army’s unequivocal support for him so that he could ascend to the position of Head of state with no opposition. The army desired the elimination of the SA as a powerful force. By agreeing to this Hitler could gain their support.
On 30th June 1934 the SS under the orders of Hitler responded to the rumours spread by Hitler of a SA coup by removing the major leaders of the SA. This was done with ruthlessness and in all four hundred people were executed. This period of Nazi history became known as the “Night of the Long Knives”. The consequences of the “Night of the Long Knives” were that the SA never again became an influential force within Germany. Hitler also gained the support of the army. This was emphasised by the speech made by the leader of the army Blomberg on the 1st July in which he thanked Hitler and promised to support from then onwards.
Consequently when Hindenburg died on 2nd August 1934 Hitler merged the offices of Chancellor and President with no opposition and in the space of seventeen months Hitler had gained complete power in Germany. In conclusion it can be seen that there were many stages towards Hitler’s transformation from legal chancellor to legal dictator. Each one of these stages was key to his overall success but overall the “Night of the Long Knives” was the most important stage in the development. This was because it showed that Hitler was willing to sacrifice something of his own, the SA and Rohm, to gain overall power within Germany.