Assess the significance of Henry Ford in shaping modern America

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Assess the significance of Henry Ford in shaping modern America

Out of all the people associated with the American boom, Henry Ford is amongst the most well known.  It was due to his work ethic; aim to make an affordable car for all Americans, and his invention of the assembly line that improved America’s infrastructure and made personal mobility easier and more affordable.  In this essay, I will explore the changes that occurred in America due to Henry Ford, and weigh up their significance to modern America today.  I will compare modern America with America in the 1920’s and will look at the significance of Henry ford in the changes between them.

Henry Ford wanted to make a car that was cheap enough for all American families to afford.  Although this was a near impossible dream, it did result in Henry Ford trying to reduce the cost of cars, and therefore ending up with the idea for the ‘Model T’.  A great fan of ‘Taylorism’, Ford wanted to make the production of his cars faster and more efficient.  Workers were timed and they were then given tasks that required less time and effort in order to speed up the process of making the ‘Model T’.

Taylor’s ideas and Fords aim (to make a car cheap enough for average Americans to buy) eventually amounted in the birth of the assembly line.  This meant that instead of the workers in the Ford factory going to each car, and spending lots of time making the parts of the cars, then attaching them, the cars were brought past the workers.  The workers towards the beginning of the assembly line may do a job such as attach the spokes of the wheel to the main frame, and then a worker near the end of the line would attach the fully completed wheel to the body of the car.  The assembly line meant that more and more cars were being produced every day, and at the factories best, they were producing a car every 60 seconds.  

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The mass production of the ‘Model T’ sparked the idea of using assembly lines in many other industries, and many other companies began to emulate Fords idea.  Mass production of radios, clothes and refrigerators began, and this therefore resulted in the increase of advertising.  America in the 1920’s had very little advertising, but as household products began to be mass produced, there was a need for advertising as the companies needed to reach their target audiences.  This relates to the booming advertising industry that now advertises nearly every product on the market in America.  Without the idea of an assembly ...

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