Australias modern justice system and its application of the law has been the result of evolutionary foundations laid by justice and law in Medieval England

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 Report……………………………….………………………...........   Pg.  3-6

  • Introduction……………………………………………........... Pg. 3

  • Crime And Crime Prevention...…………………………..... Pg. 3-4

  • Establishing Guilt/Innocence......................……………...  Pg. 4

  • Forms Of Punishment................................……………….  Pg. 4

  • Apprehending Criminals...................................................Pg. 5

  • Conclusion…………………………………………………….Pg. 5


References……………………………………………………….... Pg. 6 




Evolution Of Law


Australia’s modern justice system and its application of the law has been the result of evolutionary foundations laid by justice and law in Medieval England. From the variations in the types of crimes committed and their prevention to the way criminals are and were apprehended, trialed and consequently punished, years of evidence proves that many aspects of the justice system have evolved-yet some have remained the same.

Justice has evolved as medieval communities and society changed from strong belief in feudalistic life to the growth of towns and cities in the 1600-1900’s, as well as a response to the evolution of beliefs based on religion to a more scientific approach based on evidence.

Crime and Crime Prevention:

The crimes committed today are vastly different to those committed back in Medieval England (1100’s) as well as the techniques used by law enforcers to prevent them. Common crimes committed in the 1100’s were heresy, theft, witchcraft, vagrancy, murder and assault and embezzlement. Many of these crimes were mainly applicable for serfs (none for the king) and were also based on superstitions created by the church to maintain control of society- crimes such as witchcraft and heresy. Some of these crimes are no longer present today in our community as society is much more liberal and laws are no longer based around superstitions. Instead, these crimes were replaced after the scientific revolution in the 1800’s by more technology related crimes that did not exist earlier due to the lack of technology. These crimes range from traffic crimes like drink driving and speeding, along with a growing amount of Internet piracy, financial fraud, smuggling and possession of illegal firearms. Racism and discrimination have slowly crept into the law after medieval discrimination “witchcraft” was abolished late into the 1400’s.  

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The system of crime prevention has also evolved greatly. During the medieval times, techniques such as public humiliation and tithing were used to prevent people from committing crimes. The church would humiliate criminals in public by slaughtering or killing them in front of everyone so that villagers would be put off, having the thought of torture in the back of their mind. The tithing was a system established in Anglo-Saxon times where everyone was placed in a group of ten. In this group, everyone was responsible for everyone else’s actions. Thus if one member of the tithing broke the ...

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