Colonialism and Different types of colonies.

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06 Feb 07

Grade 10C



    Definition: Colonialism is the extension of a nation’s rule over territory beyond their borders. Colonizing countries usually control and exploit the resources, labour and markets of the colonized.

    Different types of colonies:

Settler colonies: established by moving large number of people from a mother country to the country. The people settle down there and make a home for themselves often pushing the natives to undesirable land. Examples of settler colonies are New Zealand, Canada, The United States of America and Australia.


            This map shows some of the settler colonies (highlighted in red)

Exploitation Colonies: Most of these colonies are set up by private companies such as the Dutch East India Company or the British East India Company.  The colonizer doesn’t usually stay for long just staying long enough to get resources of the country or to enhance their country’s power.  Some examples exploitation colonies are India, Tunisia, and Indonesia.  

   Hybrid Colony: A hybrid colony is a mixture of settler colonies and exploitation colonies. It is basically when the settlers both think of the colony as a home and a place fore resources. Some may live there and some go back to their country. A good example of this is Algeria.  An exploitation colony can also change to become a settler colony where the people just live there instead of dominate and leave.  

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This cartoon shows Britain showing Britain just taking up colonies and it is showing some of the colonies that Britain had.

A cartoon of a colonist coming to take a colony

This map shows which countries in Asia and Africa were colonized, and who they were colonized by. ...

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