Describe the ways in which the methods of the suffragists and suffragettes were different
Two groups were formed as the fight for women’s suffrage went on these two groups were the suffragists (NUWSS) in 1897 and the suffragettes (WAPU) in 1903 but both had completely different ways of gaining support for the suffrage campaign. Their intention was to gain equality for women however their tactics differed as the suffragists wanted to do law abiding actions where as the suffragettes wanted to take more militant action.
The suffragists tried to attain these aims by using various methods such as the suffragists went on door to door campaigns and spoke at trade union gatherings handing out free literature. In July 1906 the suffragists had a special campaign to make mps give women the vote. Meetings were held and they discussed problems instead of attacking opponents and gave out leaflets. Peaceful petitions were held which they collected over 250,000 names. They also had there own newspaper call “the common cause” which gained much publicity. In October 1906 the suffragists had theirs own independent male candidate in addition an “election fighting fund” was set up which supported labour politions. On the 9th Feb. 1907 the suffragists held a mud march where 3000 women marched through hyde park to strand street where live music was played and politions spoke in favour of the votes for women campaign