Did Roosevelt's upbringing background and character make it easy for him to understand the concerns and fears of ordinary Americans? Explain your answer.

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Did Roosevelt’s upbringing background and character make it easy for him to understand the concerns and fears of ordinary Americans? Explain your answer.

‘Roosevelt was the first president to master the technique of reaching the people directly over the radio. In his fireside chats he talked like a father discussing public affairs with his family in the living room. As he spoke he seemed unconscious of the fact that he was addressing millions.’

William Leuchtenberg

Roosevelt was one of America’s most popular presidents, he was the first that reached out to them and through the radio talked to them directly. But what made this man the ‘father’ figure of Leuchtenberg quote? What gave him the ability to empathise with America’s ordinary citizens. On this surface his upbringing and life before presidency would appear to make him unable to understand.

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Roosevelt was an only child born to two rich parents and spent the first years of his life at their beautiful but isolated estate called springwood. He had very little contact with other people while growing up and had virtually none with children his own age. He was even privately tutored rather than sent to school and was very spoilt by his family.

When he reached the age of 14 he was finally sent to a preparatory school where he would come into contact with more people his age. After graduating he enrolled at Harvard university where ...

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