Did the power of television force the US to leave Vietnam?

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Humza Ahmed

Sources D to L: Did the power of television force the United States to leave Vietnam?

Source D:

Source D is a North Vietnamese poster from the time of the Vietnamese war. It gives a communist Vietcong point of view. It shows how the Vietnamese were well prepared and knew the terrain and how the Americans were facing problems fighting a guerrilla war. This poster is most definitely a form of propaganda.

The poster was created by Vietcong/Vietminh and was used as propaganda probably to recruit more people. It shows the problems the US faced and gives reasons for American defeat. The Vietcong were trying to get across that they were far more skilled than the Americans. They knew the terrain, they had fought guerrilla wars before and thus they were more organised and knew how to fight against there enemy, the Americans. The Americans on the other hand were unsure of the terrain and they weren’t used to fighting jungle warfare. The poster clearly shows that the Americans were in a position were they were facing many problems.

Also, since the Americans were foreign invaders they could not communicate with locals and this put the Vietcong at benefit because they on the other hand were from the same place and were fighting on there own land therefore they were able to easily communicate with other people and also knew the area quiet well so it would have been easier for them to move around.

The guerrillas had fought various enemies over 20 years and therefore were experts at guerrilla warfare. They knew about the land they were fighting on and they used their knowledge of the jungles, paddy fields etc to help them fight the war. The guerrillas would usually hide by day and come out at night and fight.

As we know, the Vietcong used guerrilla tactics. They had a tunnel system which was known as Cu Chi tunnels. This was a major base for the Vietcong. The Vietcong used this tunnel system to hide and live in during the day and they would come up and fight in the night. These tunnels held many military campaigns during the war. These tunnels were a very efficient and effective method as it meant that the Vietcong could easily be hidden from their enemies. Also the tunnels prevented the Vietcong being hit by American artillery and bombs. These were the sort of tactics that Americans did not have resulting in their failure to defeat the Vietcong.

The Vietcong tactics were based around those used by Mao Zedong in china. The Vietcong worked together in small groups. They were split up in to groups of about ten or fewer soldiers. The groups were known as cells. The groups worked together however the knowledge they had of each other was to a bare minimum. This was so that if one of the guerrilla’s was captured and then tortured, what he told the Americans could not harm the Vietcong on a large scale.

Another way the Vietcong benefited is that they blended in with the villagers and so the Americans were not sure if someone was a civilian or a soldier from the Vietcong. When among the Vietnamese people the US soldiers were unable to distinguish the Vietcong from innocent villagers. This again benefited the Vietcong as it meant there was less risk in one of their men being caught and tortured.

If you look at the poster you can see that the Vietcong are hiding in the bushes/ trees and are ready to attack. You can see that they are ready with there rifles and they are organised and know what they are going to do. The Americans on the other hand and being lured into the jungle and are uncertain of what they are doing. This showed the Vietnamese people that the Americans were not trained well enough.

The Vietcong were at advantage because the Americans were trapped. Also the American troops were inexperienced. They do not know how to fight a guerrilla war as they were not trained to fight this type of war and the Vietcong used this to their advantage because it means that they were better at fighting against their rivals.

If you look at the far end, or top of the poster you will notice that there are American trucks and also there are a few figures standing near the trucks. These were the American long range logistics. The poster shows that this was a problem for America because they were too far away. The US soldiers were killing each other which led towards there downfall in some cases during friendly fire. The Americans used the Ho Chi Minh trail to bring in logistics and this was affecting their economy. Also one problem for the Americans was that they had better rifles that the Vietcong and this meant the Vietcong could live of the Americans in terms of using American rifles against America. The Americans however could not live off the Vietcong.

Most of the American soldiers were inexperienced. They did not know much about jungle warfare and compared to the Vietcong they were amateurs. The Americans were fighting a western style war which helps to show why they were facing so many problems.

The poster is supposed to influence the Vietnamese people that the Vietcong were skillful, artful and an unpredictable enemy and they would easily be able to defeat the Americans. This would persuade more Vietnamese people to join the Vietcong. The poster conveys the downfall of the Americans

Even though the Vietcong were better at fighting guerrilla warfare the US did have better technology than the Vietcong and this did help them greatly. The US had chemical defoliant sprays such as ‘Agent Orange’ to remove the leaves from the trees so that the Americans could spot the Vietcong. The defoliants also harmed crops and caused illnesses to the Vietnamese people. Napalm bombs were used. These burnt and killed many civilians.

There are limitations to this source and these help to raise questions such as how many casualties were there from both sides? Which side had higher causalities? This source alone could not help to explain why America lost the war or had to leave Vietnam. To understand this we would have to look into the topic ourselves.

This source is insufficient in proving that TV caused America to leave Vietnam however it does give other reasons. The Vietcong knew the terrain. They were able to communicate with the local people. They could live off the Americans by using their supplies. The were skilled and knew how to move around swiftly. The Americas on the other hand did not know the terrain and were getting trapped. The war cost the US a large number of casualties reaching 543,500 in 1969. The other factor was that the Americans were unable to get the locals on their side. The locals were mainly poor peasants and the Vietcong influenced them into believing that the Americans were bad and they would take away their land and cause destruction. Therefore the Vietnamese peasants saw the Americans as the bad people and the Vietcong as the good people. The poster also portrays the Americans as being weak and unskilled and this would definitely also influence the thoughts of the communist audience the poster was intended to target.

Source E:

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Source E is a photograph of napalm victims.  It was published during the Vietnam War. These children were fleeing from their homes in Trang Bang. This incident took place on June the 8th in 1972. A napalm bomb was accidentally thrown on this city by a South Vietnamese air force plane. The bomb was thrown on the village 25 miles outside of Saigon. These innocent children were running for there lives trying to get away. This image was widely published during the Vietnam War.

This image is not propaganda. It is clear sighted and is an objective image. The image ...

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