Did the Wall Street Crash cause the depression?

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The Wall Street Crash took place in 1929, this was when stock market prices fell suddenly due to the Americans panicking and loosing their confidence. Once they saw some people were selling their shares they decided it would be best to sell theirs too.

The Depression was the result and final stage in which the whole of America was dragged into a Depression. Most people had become poor, even those who were especially rich and those who hadn't taken part in shares too.

To answer the question " Did the Wall Street Crash cause the depression" we must analyse other factors which were taking place during that time which may have contributed in causing the depression. There were many other important factors which were taking place at the time which had started to put much of America into a depression already. This is why I believe that there are many other factors which helped to cause the depression and it would be simplistic to say that the Wall Street Crash was the only one.

Throughout this essay I hope to argue that the Wall Street Crash was the final trigger which caused the depression, but not the main cause. The Wall Street Crash was simply a catalyst which sped up the process and bought what was going to happen quicker. The main causes of the depression was the overconfidence of the Americans and the actions of the government, this is because all the other causes can be traced back to these two causes.

The reason for overconfidence is that during the 1920's the cycle of prosperity was taking place and this created a felling of confidence among the American people, which encouraged them to spend money on buying goods, and invest in shares. More and more shares were being bought and people were becoming rich quickly, this made them overconfident as they believed that these times were here to stay.

Overconfidence led the Americans into making the decisions they made; like borrowing money they could not pay back and using it to buy shares, and overconfidence also led to the Government turning a blind eye on the blatant problems which were occurring all around them. The Government saw companies prosper and fooled themselves into believing that this was the case for the whole of America.

Overconfidence led to the government's and the people's short-sightedness and their complacency.

These two factors will be discussed in more detail as we go through other factors which caused the depression as they are the root cause of them

What I believe to be one of the most important causes of the depression and the most long term is the inequality between the rich and the poor. This was a long term cause as it was taking place well before the boom, and got worse during it. It seemed that the new wealth of the Americans in the 1920's was being shared by everyone. However, for many the boom was not a reality and many of the population was suffering. Half of America was made of farmers or lived in rural areas and with the invention of combine harvesters, they were able to grow more crops. So much that their supply outweighed the demand. As a result, food prices dropped and farmers income fell. Many farmers found themselves out of work. Black people and immigrants had a similar experience, many lost their jobs on farms, and those that didn't were now paid much less. So if half of the population were farmers, and they were in a depression, then how could America be prospering? This tells us that half of the American population were already in a Depression even before the Wall Street Crash.
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I believe that the Governments " laissez-faire" (non-interference) policy can be blamed for this as it did not place any control on the economy. It meant that businesses continued to grow. This may well be a good thing for some as they will continue to get rich but not for others who will continue to grow poor. Also, the Government lowered taxes, so this gave the rich more money to invest in new factories. If the government put taxes on the rich, they could use the money to help out the poor. They should have distributed money more ...

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