Explain how Hitler and the Nazi Party exerted total control over the lives of German people from 1933-1945

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Year 10

VCE History 

Explain how Hitler and the Nazi Party exerted total control over the lives of German people from 1933-1945. 


Olivia Tran



"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.  Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.  Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.  Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."

~ Martin Niemoeller 





During 1933-43, the Nazi party lead by Adolph Hitler has arguably total control over Germany. This was suggested by the few attempts of public resistance to Nazi policy, the non-existence of political groups opposing policies, and the lack of attempts to overthrow the government. Hitler exerted total control over the lives of the German people through the restriction of legal rights, propaganda, rewards and punishment. Propaganda was essential to Nazi Germany; it influenced the minds of many people but most the youth. The Jews are an entirely different issue; they represented those of the “non-Aryan” race and were discriminated against by Anti-Semitism. 




Hitler and the Nazi Party exerted control in the restriction of legal rights. Once Hitler ascertained his position of Chancellor1 through legitimate means he immediately began to seize total control. A month after he was sworn into office, the Reichstag building was burnt down. Hitler blamed the Leftist Groups and the Communist. He pushed through the legislature the Enabling Act, which gave Hitler dictatorial powers to rule in a national emergency without consulting the Reichstag. In the following months, the Left-wing parties were all banned, then liberal and moderate parties until ultimately, Germany was ruled by one party the Nazis and the Fuhrer; Adolph Hitler. The Enabling Act permanently suspended all individual rights and legal limits, resulting in a totalitarian dictatorship. The balance of the three arms of power; executive, legislative and judicial – were not balanced. Hitler had the power to make law, and he enforced it. If there was no law, Hitler would make it law. There was no check and balance. It was a totalitarian state; controlled by Hitler and the Nazis. Union leaders2, critical thinkers, intellectuals and the Jews were some of those to be hit the hardest… with thousands3 sent to detention camps. After the “Night of Long Knives”4, Hitler fashioned a new enforcement arm: the S.S - the Gestapo5. The Gestapo also assassinated those viewed as disloyal to Hitler. With no legal rights, the people of Germany in effect were under the complete control of Hitler. 

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The Propaganda Agenda

The term Propaganda is associated with “attempting to influence the masses through means of information, ideas, communication: publications, education, arts, media and products of popular culture” – these were all to be controlled by the state6. Propaganda gained the Nazis and Hitler the support of the masses. Large rallies were held to spread the message of the Party. The masses that came were followers, they were told by one voice, one opinion and it was never questioned. In order to make the propaganda most effective, Joseph Goebbles7 eliminated all others sources of information leaving the only source for ...

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