Explain how Marxism contributed to the Bolshevik Revolution

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There were many causes of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Which do you consider to be the most important?

There were many causes of the Bolshevik revolution. Some had been around for hundreds of years such as the unhappiness of the peasants. But some had only been around for a short time such as World War I. There are a range of causes, some political, some economic, some military and some social.

        Russia was an autocracy, meaning one person ruled. Before the revolution that was Tsar Nicholas II. He wasn’t a very good leader. He had received no training and never expected to be king. The fact Russia is so big also impeded his ability to keep control. Within Russia there were 40 nationalities and many religious groups. However there was a policy of Russification which meant they all had to dress in Russian clothes, speak Russian and it was forbidden to celebrate any religious holidays. Nicholas married a German Princess, Alexandra, who had a very large influence over him and the way he ruled Russia. In 1904 he went into war with Japan over Manchuria. To fund this he increased the taxes for the peasants. He also produced propaganda that portrayed Japan as weak and defeatable. You can imagine the humiliation of the Russian public when they were forced to surrender to Japan.

The failures of Nicholas to rule properly angered and upset many peasants. The policy of Russification, they felt, was unfair and denied them basic rights. There had always been a very large divide between rich and poor in Russia and with 80% of the population poor you can see that Russia wasn’t a very wealthy country. The poor worked land and were, basically, owned by the land owners until 1861. Then they were released from serfdom which meant they were no longer bound to the land. A lot of the workers moved to the cities after this. Those who remained behind received their own small areas of land to work. Nicholas’ most able minister, Stolypin, agreed to let peasants take their share of the land in the village as private property. Eventually the more able peasants got bigger areas of land until the bad farmers had nothing. This left many people angry and wanting change in the system.

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Those who moved to the cities ended up living in worse conditions than they had before. They were in cramped, smelly and disease ridden slums. They worked for around 11 hours a day doing dangerous jobs in factories for very little pay. The industrialising Russia bought in news from other countries via media and the railway. The news of democracy became very appealing to the few literate peasants in the cities. When hearing of this Tsar Nicholas made it illegal to hold meetings and have strikes in attempt to overhaul him. After the humiliating defeat in the Russo-Japanese war the ...

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