Explain why the United States became increasingly involved in the war in Vietnam between 1954 and 1965

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Dalton Marshall

History Course Work

Explain why the United States became increasingly involved in the war in Vietnam between 1954 and 1965

Up to 1941 Vietnam and Indo-China were French colonies, but in July 1941 Japan took control of indo china and it was divided into 3 sections Tongking, Cochin and Annam. In 1941 Ho Chi Minh founded the league of independence of Vietnam but most people called them the Vietminh it was a broad political membership.  They used guerrilla tatics to ambush the Japanese as they didn’t have a lot weapons and not a lot of military experience. When Japan lost in World War II they left indo-china, but France still wanted to keep there colonies in indo-china because they still wanted an Empire and Vietnam had a lot of resources it has a lot of rubber, rice and other foods and a small amount of oil. When the French retuned the Viet Minh wanted the French to leave but they refused so the Viet Minh used guerrilla tactics but they avoided face to face combat. The French controlled the built up areas and the Viet Minh controlled the jungles, the leader of the Viet Minh was Vo Nguyen Giap who knew the jungles well. In 1949 the Chinese leader Mao Zedong supplied the Viet Minh with modern weapons. The USA started to get involved because of the Cold War they were scared of communism spreading like what happened in Europe so they gave France aid to help contain it. They were afraid it would spread though out Asia like domino one after another the countries would turn communist they Americans called it the Domino theory. In 1954 general Navre wanted to tempt the Vietminh out of hiding into open combat, the French had lost 74,000 troops since 1946 so they wanted to gain a big victory over the Vietminh to gain the French public support. But they lost the battle and soon after they lose they decide to leave. Soon after they left in 1954 there was a meeting to deal with Indo-China, it was known as the Geneva agreement it included the independence of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Vietnam would be temporally split along the 17th parallel with a demilitarized zone on the border and an armistice between the North and South. There where supposed to be elections in 1956 to see if the north and south wanted to join but Diem refused to hold the elections. The usa didn’t react well to the Geneva agreement, the Americans described the French Prime Minister as  “peace at any price”

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In 1950 the French government appealed to the US for support. By 1953 the USA had spent $300,000,000 altogether. The USA wanted to prevent areas of the world becoming communist. The Cold War was at its height in the early 1950s, when the French appealed to the USA for aid. The US government saw Vietnam as another Korea. Once the US became involved, it sent more and more aid in an effort to prevent all its investment being lost.  After the French left in 1954, the USA continued to support the south, even after Diem took over. This was the ...

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