Louise Hewitt
Farnborough Hill 58317
Words: 756
Explain why women failed to gain the vote
between 1900 and 1914
Women had started to campaign for the vote and in 1900 the vote became more public. The general view in 1900 was that men and woman had different roles in society. Men were strong and born to govern, women were born to be governed and should be kept at home. The view of men was one of the reasons why There are many reasons why the women did not get the vote in 1914, but it was not simply men against women. The most important reason was people’s attitudes.
Not all women wanted the right to vote. It was the middle class women who stayed at home and looked after the house and children that campaigned to vote, the ones who did not have wealthy husbands and had to depend on themselves. They were getting bored and had nothing to apply their minds to as the men made the decisions about the house, money and children’s education. Upper class women were not interested in politics, they only cared for having a good time, meeting a nice man and getting settled down with a family. They bought fancy clothes, went to Ascot Races and generally lived a leisurely life. Because they had an adequate amount of money they did not need see the need to vote, as they did not need to make a living. Working class women on the other hand did not have time to think about campaigning for the vote. They were busy washing, polishing and cleaning their homes. They were not bothered and did not have time to take an interest.