Student Protesters in the 1960s were just a bunch of kids rebelling against their parents views. How far do the sources support this statement?

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“Student Protesters in the 1960’s were just a bunch of kids rebelling against their parents views. “ How far do the sources support this statement?

This sources display a wide variety of information relating to the protest movements by students.

Source A shows figures of student enrolment in the USA. These figures clearly show that more women are attending university as time progresses – 1 a12% rise from 1947 to 1970. This could represent that women are moving away from their engrained ‘stay at home’ lives and are wishing to advance in life. However, this source does not specify the age of the students or how many of the students complete their courses, but the underlying message is still that more people wish to break from their pre-defined moulds of the earlier generation.

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Source B, a statement by the SDS, shows the ideals of the movement. It says that they are campaigning for ‘freedom and equality for everyone’. This was especially evident in the situation with the Black Civil Rights Protesters, and showed that the SDS had bigger aims than simply rebelling against authority. It is worth noting however, that this is a political speech and as such, not everything said within it may be entirely factual.

Source C, a song written by Bob Dylan, is one of the most influential sources shown.  Songs were popular at the time for the attraction that ...

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The author demonstrates strong comprehension of the source material throughout but the response is weakened because the specific question has not been addressed. The response could be further strengthened by cross -referencing source material and extending the points on provenance. 3 out of 5 stars.