Galleries that house exhibitions of artworks.

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Research Assignment

Studio Arts Unit 4


Research Assignment

Outcome 3


                There are three different types of galleries that house exhibitions of artworks. One such form is a public gallery. A public gallery is a non-profit organisation who are funned by the government, bequests and donations. A public gallery is responsible for the collection, storage and display of artworks in accordance with gallery policies. They have a range of temporary exhibitions that cover a broad range of artistic styles and genres. Artworks may be the work of individual artists or a group of artists. The Bendigo Art Gallery for example displays the works of key contemporary artists who may be based in Bendigo or beyond. When an exhibition is held in the gallery, the gallery is responsible for the display of the work, organising and opening function, promotion of the exhibition through advertisement and promotions also through other media sources such as newspapers, television and radio. As public galleries do not gain a profit from exhibitions they are able to choose to display any kind of art, regardless of the artworks commercial appeal  to the public audience.

                A commercial galleries are another type of gallery. They are a private business which is profit based. They are responsible for a stable of artists, which are selected by the Director of the galley. The artwork is displayed on a regular basis, usually once a year, with the artists being either exclusively aligned with a single commercial galley only allowing their work to be featured at one gallery, or they are more of a free lanced artists whose work can be displayed at more then one gallery. Artworks from the gallery are sold by the gallery themselves through the exhibitions and sales from the stock room. Commission is taken at a rate of 20 – 40 % of the total sale price depending on the gallery’s own agreements with the artist/s. By doing this a commercial gallery then processes sales, arranges openings and promotes the artist/s through advertising. Commercial galleries are known for making sufficient profits and hence this can impact on the types of artists that they choose to represent in future exhibitions.

                An artist run gallery is the third form of gallery. These forms of galleries are self funded by the artist/s who run them. The artist/s will rotate the exhibitions to show their own work. These types of galleries arrange exhibitions through assessment of submitted proposals, or may just be for the use of the artists who coordinate the space. If applications are successful changes may apply to hire the space. In the gallery the artist is usually responsible for sitting the gallery, arranging opening functions, promotion and advertisement.

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                Between these three different types of galleries there are many differences. Commercial galleries are profit based while public don’t charge money but accept donations. Artists run galleries do charge money but they are supported by the artist themselves, and receive no help from the government. All the galleries promote the artists, with commercial and public both advertising the artists through the media, for the artists, while an artist run gallery leaves the promotion and advertisement of an exhibitions up to the artists who are exhibiting their artworks.


                In preparing for an exhibition or and/or displaying of ...

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