Haig- Question A

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Field Marshall Haig: “The Butcher Of The Somme”

How far does Source A prove that Haig did not care about the lives of his men?

        Source A was written by General Haig in June of 1916, a month before the battle of the Somme. The Source could be interpreted as Haig not caring for his men as he shows a hardened and reckless outlook, this can be seen when Haig says “The nation must be taught to bear heavy loses”. It can be seen that Haig did not care for the lives of his men in many ways, one of them is it seems like he is planning for deaths and seems very unsympathetic towards the thought of this. Secondly, by the tone of which this Source is written, it makes Haig seem harsh and uncaring towards his men, by expecting deaths and proceeding strongly with a plan that would sacrifice a lot of men. Haig also could have expected this to save his job, because he was aware that men would be lost, it would be more professional than to risk his title saying something that wasn’t going to happen.

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        Although, Source A does show that Haig did care about his men to some extent, due to the fact he doesn’t say that he doesn’t care. Being an experienced army General, Haig would be quite hardened towards death, seeing in a not so extreme light, as it is his job to be prepared for loses.  Also, he is being a realist, in every battle there are loses, he may feel that he is sacrificing lives for a good cause. Haig wrote this Source with honesty, showing compassion and that he must care for his men not to lie about them. ...

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