History Coursework 2 - The Great Depression

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History Coursework 2 - The Great Depression

The Great Depression, 1929 - 1933, Sources Question

. Source A is an election poster for the democrat party which was published during the time of the Great Depression in the USA. It is basically saying that the Republican government , who are in power, are not doing anything to stop the depression. It says " smile away the depression! ". This is a sarcastic statement directed at the American people. It is saying if you smile, the depression will go away. It is meant to make them realise that if they rely on a Republican government who just tries to sweep the problems under the carpet then these problems will still be there.

From my own knowledge I know that probably the Republican government were not doing enough to stop the economic depression in the USA. This was because they believed in, and put into practice the policy of laissez - faire. This policy meant that the government left the economy alone and did not interfere with the running of businesses. This policy had many positive effects during the economic boom, for example it meant taxes remained low. However there were many negative effects during the great depression. One of these were that there was no state benefits. This was because if the government was not interfering, then they could not give money to those who were in trouble. Another negative effect was that the taxes were not lowered. This was because the government were not interfering; so the tax rate remained fixed. During the economic boom, the tax seemed low because people had more money but as people lost money during the depression they could no longer afford the tax. Due to the effects of laissez - faire it appears as though the view put forward in the poster is correct.

This source is not reliable. This is as it is very biased against the showing a very sarcastic view of the Republican Republican party who were in power during the great depression. It is party. " This wonderful little gadget will solve the problems of the nation". It Is probably biased due to the fact that it is a piece of propaganda. This means that they would try and put down their opposition, especially in this situation as they can manipulate the conditions of the country. They are using the situation against their opposition.

However just because it is biased it does not mean that it is not useful to historians studying the depression. This is as it still shows the opinion of the Democrat party towards the Republican party. Also it can show how the Democrat party led their election campaigns. Also part of the view given may be true, for example there was a lack of action from the government due to their policy of laissez - faire.

By putting down their opposition in their election poster the Democrats would be targeting the people most affected by the depression. This is as they would be blaming the government, and so may vote for a party who shared their view. Some of the people that they may be targeting are farmers. This is as they were unable to pay the mortgage on their properties during the depression. This indicates that there was even a lack of demand for basic needs such as food, due to severe poverty. Working class citizens were also hugely affected as they had invested much of their money into the stock market which crashed and who also had money in banks which went bankrupt. Also many workers worked in factories producing luxury goods or worked in leisure services. These would have been shut down as people didn't have any money left to spend on anything other than basic needs. Black people were also hugely affected possibly due to the fact that they found it hard to get jobs as there was a lot of racial prejudice at the time.

Source A has limitations to its usefulness. Firstly it is only one group's view ( i.e. the democrats) about the republican party. It does not necessarily show what the others felt. Also it is only one source, so in order to find out what others thought and to establish whether the view was common, more sources would have to be studied. Also it is only one Democrat election poster so we would have to study more to see if it was typical of the Democrats election campaign.

Altogether, despite the fact that source A is unreliable it is still useful. This is as it shows one opinion and also some of the things stated in the source may be true. For example the government were not doing anything to stop the boom as they followed the policy of laissez - faire which they did not want to remove as it was one of the factors that caused the economic boom.

2. Both sources B and C give the same causes for the occurrence of the economic depression. They both say that overproduction and under consumption were to blame for the great depression. Source B says, " It was the big boys that thought that the good times were going to last forever". This seems to suggest that all the business owners kept producing goods despite the lack of demand in the hope of getting more money. Source C says, " the production of consumer goods of many kinds had grown rapidly, but the people able to buy these goods had increased slowly". It also says, " not enough people were buying the products of America's greatly expanding industry's". It is suggesting that production was growing quickly but the people who could afford these goods was growing at a slow rate. Both sources B and C gives another cause of the depression. This is that the capitalists were to blame. Source B says, " There is not an unemployed man in the country who has not contributed to the wealth of every millionaire". Source C says, " too small a share of the increased national wealth of the 1920s had been finding its way into the hands of workers".

From my own knowledge I know that overproduction and under consumption would have been a problem. This is as only 58% of Americans lived above the poverty line which meant that they could afford the goods. However industries were producing for the whole population which meant that overproduction was present at a rate of at least 42%.

Source B was written by Will Rogers, an American actor in November 1931. It is a primary source which means it could be reliable as it was written at the time so he could be explaining his experiences. However it may not be reliable because it is just his opinion and he is more than likely to be biased against the rich and so could exaggerate. He may be biased because he is probably unemployed and so is bitter. He is probably unemployed because he worked in the field of leisure and so his company would have closed down as people would need the money for basic needs and would not spend on luxuries. An example of his bitterness is," we are the first nation in the History of the world to go to the poorhouse in a car " which is very sarcastic.
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Source C on the other hand gives a more reliable interpretation. This is as source C was written in 1966 by D.B 'O' Callaghan who was probably a historian. This means that it could be reliable as many primary sources could have been considered and assessed before making this final account. However the source could be unreliable as the historian's own opinion could have been incorporated in the final piece therefore making it biased. In this case he could want to make an excuse for the events in the past so that people are proud of the country. ...

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