How did Hitler become a dictator?

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                Frances Wood

How did Hitler become a dictator?

        There are many factors that allowed Hitler to seize power in 1934. One reason was the Munich Putsch, which put Hitler in jail and allowed him to write “Mein Kampf” and the 25-point programme, which helped him to win votes. Another reason was the Wall Street crash, which caused another depression in Germany, which made people vote for the Nazi party. Another reason Hitler was able to come into power was the Reichstag fire, which the Nazis blamed on a communist and this affected the 1933 Election in their favour. The fire also allowed Hitler to pass the “Enabling act”, which basically meant that no one could oppose him and Germany had to do what he said without question. To aid this un-challenged state, Hitler killed a lot of members of the SA, who up until then had been a branch of the Nazi party. But they had socialist views, which were getting in the way of Hitler having ultimate power as a dictator. Finally President Hindenburg died and this allowed Hitler to seize total control of Germany.

        The Munich Putsch in 1923 was a failure for the Nazi party in the short term, but in the long run it helped Hitler to become dictator of Germany. The Munich Putsch involved Hitler and some other Nazis marching in protest to try and start a revolution against the government who weren’t solving Germany’s depression. The Putsch failed for a number of reasons. The first reason was that the army and the police didn’t join in the march as Hitler expected they would. This meant that they stood against the marching Nazis. Hitler also miscalculated the mood of the German people who weren’t ready for an uprising.

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After the Putsch Hitler was sentenced to 5 years in prison for treason, however the judge wrote to the officials and he was let out after just 9 months. The Putsch helped Hitler eventually come to power in a number of ways. Firstly the trial received massive media attention, as this sort of thing was rare in 1923. This meant that the Nazi party were brought to the attention of Germany, as they were virtually unknown at this point. Also during the trial the judge allowed Hitler to speak his mind. This meant that the Nazi party got to have ...

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