How did the Nazis prepare the Germans to accept the treatment of the outsiders

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How did the Nazis prepare the Germans to accept the treatment of the Outsiders?

The term “Outsiders” means anyone who was “non-Aryan” in Hitler’s point of view, or anyone who was classified as being a “burden” to the society. This could include the Jews, the gypsies, homosexuals, work-shy, prostitutes, pimps, alcoholics, mentally or physically ill or families containing hereditary diseases. Hitler was not only a dictator but also a believer of Social Darwinism. This meant that he believed that the races were in conflict, and only the fittest group had the right to survive-and the finest example, were the Aryan race. He believed that it was essential to protect the Aryans from being “contaminated” by racial outsiders, such as Jews and purge weak members who had genetic illnesses or weaknesses. Hitler also believed that the Aryans were superior because of their intelligence and capacity to work hard, and the willingness to sacrifice themselves for their country.

 The treatment towards the Jews, otherwise known as “Anti-Semitism” was very prejudicial and stereotypical. In 1933, Jews in Germany numbered 565,000, forming 1% of the total German population. The Jews were mainly middle class, and were highly assimilated and proud German citizens, bunched in certain professions, such as law, medicine, or journalism that had a high profile and also dominated sectors of the retail trade. The hatred towards the Jew was blended with modern fears, rooted in Christian polemics. Due to intellectuals and activists of Jewish origin being prominent in the development of Marxism and socialist parties in Germany, right wing Germans blamed Jews for the rise of Socialism and identified Communism as a purely Jewish movement. Hence it was also believed that the Jews were held responsible for the lost in war in World War 1, and humiliation in the aftermath of the Great War.

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Also, Hitler stereotyped the looks of the pure “Aryan” race, having the women and men to have certain facial features and physical abilities. The women were required to be blue-eyed, oval-faced, red=cheeked, thin-nosed, and most importantly, blonde. The men on the other hand, had to be at least 1.74m tall, long-legged, slim, narrow-faced with a narrow forehead, narrow high-built nose, and a lower jaw and prominent chin. The skin was also required to be rosy bright, with blood shining through, and the hair was to be straight or waxy, and possibly curly in childhood.

The Nazis prepared the Germans to ...

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