How did the weakness of the League of Nations and the effect of the Manchurian crisis, the failure of disarmament and the Abyssinian crisis allow Hitler to achieve what he did?

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How did the weakness of the League of Nations and the effect of the Manchurian crisis, the failure of disarmament and the Abyssinian crisis allow Hitler to achieve what he did?

Hitler was basically challenging the terms of the Treaty of Versailles (The Treaty of Versailles was the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1919 after the end of World War I which demanded ridiculous reparations from the Germans).  In  1920 a  world organization (The League of nations)  was  founded   to promote international cooperation and peace, but by the 1930’s it was clear the League of Nations had basically failed to achieve this. Although they had Britain and France as their leading members they were still weak without the USA and this became very apparent towards the 1930’s. Hitler came to power in 1933 and by then the League of Nations was less than half the major power it should have been. To test this Hitler started increasing Germany’s armed forces. Other countries had not been forced to disarm to the extent that Germany had, and the League did not strongly enforce disarmament. Hitler was successful and the League did not try to stop him. Little did they know that this was only the beginning of Hitler’s quest for ultimate supremacy.

The League was further undermined because they did not uphold the Peace treaties which had created it. Germany basically walked over the Treaty of Versailles, disregarding most of the things it was not allowed to do. For example, one of the main terms of the Treaty was that the Rhineland would remain a demilitarised area, but instead Hitler took a huge risk by moving troops into the area, knowing that if he was forced to withdraw he would face humiliation and would lose the support of the German army . Hitler had chosen the time, and place well.

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Hitler broke another condition of the Treaty of Versailles when he reunited with his former ally Austria. The League depended on Britain and France to provide firm support in times of crisis. Although the Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg asked for help from Britain and France he was refused it.  Neither the British nor the French government were prepared to abandon their own self-interest to support the League.

The League was set up for failure from the beginning, without the USA they were basically useless, and they  failed to accomplish most of  their aims: to discourage aggression from any nation, to ...

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