How do sorses B and C have different opinions of the new deal?

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How do sorses B and C have different opinions of the new deal?

     Sources B and C both have very different judgements of Roosevelt’s new deal. Source B makes out the new deal as a positive thing and giving it the credit for all the positive work that went on in the U.S.A in the 1930’s. Where as source C dislikes the new deal and credits the countries recovery from the depression to the Second World War.

     Source B believes that new the deal was a great thing by saying “Those who lived through the spring of 1933 will remember the change from depression and discouragement to excitement and hope”. This statement is negative about the pre- Roosevelt past yet saying how promising the time under Roosevelt was going to be. It then continues to say that a “definite achievement” of the new deal is that it has rebuilt the country. After the devastation of the countries natural resources such as forests, water and soil, and the development of a dust bowl Roosevelt had to solve these problems which he tackled with “energy” by employing 3 million young men in the civilian conservation corps who “planted over 17 million acres of new forests and built over 6 million dams to stop erosion”. Giving all those people jobs helped bring down unemployment figures, and those who were not employed by the new deal were given “unemployment assistance”. A new ban on child labour and an old age pension were introduced, all of these things make the new deal sound very good and clearly showed that the writer believes it to be a brilliant thing for the country. They also stand behind Roosevelt suggesting that they may well be a democrat by saying that the government has been strengthened and that there has been an “expansion of government activities to help people”. They then go on to defend Roosevelt saying that whilst the government does have more responsibility it doesn’t have more power and not admitting the charge that Roosevelt “has been a dictator”.

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     Source C makes the new deal out to be a terrible thing by saying that there was a national debt of $250 billion compared to a pre-Roosevelt debt of $19 billion it also states that “inflation has doubled prices and reduced the lower paid to poverty”. The writer of the source also says that as congress gave up much of their power to Roosevelt in 1933 he is now running a “dictatorial government”, which is the complete opposite of what source B is saying. They continue to make the point that by 1938 eleven million people were still ...

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