How far do you agree that Hitlers power in Germany from 1933 to 1939 relied mainly on terror?

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How far do you agree that Hitler’s power in Germany from 1933 to 1939 relied mainly on terror?

Hitler’s rule had many elements of terror being imposed. Hitler’s personal army the SA (Brown Shirts) projected the strict discipline of Hitler as a leader. This made Hitler favorable to conservatives as he was portrayed as a reliable and strong leader. In 1933, the Reichstag fire saw Hitler using the event as a scapegoat to get rid of his political enemy, the Communist, even though there was a lack of evidence. The SA created violence on the streets by implementing violence on the Communist which supports Hitler using terror to control his power. With the absence of the Communist Party in the Reichstag, Hitler was able to pass the Enabling Act which made him a virtual Dictator. Moreover, the Social Democratic Party which would heavily be against the Enabling Act was severely under-represented in the Reichstag due to arrest and violence imposed by the SA. Hitler’s use of violence is clearly utilized to get what he wants and consolidate his power.

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Hitler himself was very ruthless and in the Night of the Long knives clearly demonstrates this. Hitler not only got rid of his political opposition, he got rid of many of his SA members including Ernest Rohm, the leader of the SA. His loyal army was disposed because Hitler saw the SA as an embarrassment and he feared Ernest Rohm getting too powerful and going against him. This was done by Hitler’s new army, the SS (Black Shirts). This consolidated his power as a Fuhrer and enabled Hitler to gain support of the Army before Hindenburg’ death (Hindenburg approved of ...

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