How serious were the threats to the stability of The Weimar Republic 1918-1923?

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Clare Ford

How serious were the threats to the stability of The Weimar Republic 1918-1923?

   The Weimar Republic suffered major threats between 1918-1923. The Weimar faced unpopularity amongst the German people, economic problems and the harsh constraints of the Treaty of Versailles. The fact that the Weimar Republic was born out of defeat in WW1 counted against its stability. It was also destabilised by extremist party’s revolts in Germany. Most Germans had no zeal for the Weimar but went along with it because there was no actual alternative. All these threats caused major problems and instabilities of Weimar during 1918 to 1923.

   In 1919 the Weimar Republic was intensely unpopular because it was ‘born out of defeat’. The majority of Germans also believed that the members of government known as ‘November Criminals’ had stabbed them in the back by signing the armistice in November 1918. Many war veterans thought that German politicians had capitulated prematurely again claiming the nation had been ‘stabbed in the back’.  The belief that Germany’s ‘winning’ army had been ‘stabbed in the back’ by unpatriotic Socialists was used by them to criticise the democratic Weimar Republic. The Weimar quickly became associated what the German people felt was the undeserved defeat of WW1. This association weakened the stability for Weimar. Also counting against Weimar was the fact that the pre war elites groups were not committed to the republic. The feeling that German society was unable to embrace democracy was another factor counting against the Weimar Republic. Some historians even blame the failure of The Weimar Republic on it.      

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   The political structure of the Weimar Republic was another weakness and most importantly its use of proportional representation. This meant that no party ever had a majority in parliament. Therefore all motions took a long time to be passed as all parties had to agree to it. If they did not a new party grouping must be formed. Establishing political leadership and the difficulty of building working coalitions among parties produced a continuing change of governments and repeated new elections. This weakened The Weimar and made it unstable.  

   The Treaty of Versailles was a major ...

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