How the vietnam war affected america

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Prikarean Nagarajah     1184

The Vietnam War – How did it affect America?

  1. Source A implies to us that the Vietnam War changed the American Soldiers, GIs, into a “machine.” This one word, “machine”, tells us that they were turned into heartless people who were very “effective” in killing people, as they will not have feelings and not think back at what they done: killing. Another point Source A tells us about how the Vietnam War changed the GIs is that they were made to hate people that were Vietnamese, or even looked Vietnamese, as in their training, they were attacked by “Japanese and Chinese American military”. A quote to support this is, “a very effective machine”, meaning they only like killing people, and were effective at this one job. The American Soldiers were also made to think that the only way to survive was by killing; “I was very good at what I did. I survived”. This quotes supports the fact they were made to think that if they had to survive, they had kill, and thus, they became very good at this job, killing innocent people.

Source B infers to us that America had just “created a monster”, in the form of American soldiers, meaning that they were made to not have feelings, just like monsters. By looking at Source B, we can also see that these Vietnam Veterans, when they were soldiers in Vietnam, did terrible things. For example, they “cut off heads”, and “personally raped”; these quotes show how monstrous they had been towards the Vietnamese, and how heartless they were: they had no feelings. All of these events had happened during their term in the Vietnam War, and after they had been trained, as in Source A. This shows that it was America that had turned their own people like this, as John Kerry said; “The country doesn’t know it yet...created a monster”, suggesting that it was the country that had turned the soldiers to this state, not just the war, but also the methods of their training.

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  1. Overall, I think that these two sources, C and A, really agree with each other, as both of these sources are from Vietnam Veterans who may have experienced the same type of things during the war. Source A says that the War turned Steve, a US Soldier, into a machine. Source C agrees with this, by saying that the war had turned Bruce, another US Soldier, into someone who was “not normal”. Both of these sources say that, because of the Vietnam War, it had changed them into people who could not live normally ever again, and were ...

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