1(b) In what ways did Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany contribute to the outbreak of the Second World War?
Once in power, Mussolini and Hitler actively prepared their countries for war. To restore the past glory of Italy and of Germany, they adopted an expansionist foreign policy. Their act of aggression and alliance with each other, forming the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis created the tense atmosphere Their expansionist activities finally drove Europe into the Second World War.
As Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany adopted an expansionist foreign policy, their act of aggression created the tense atmosphere in Europe and Africa. For Italy, its expansion started in the 1920s. First, Italy occupied the Greek island of Corfu in 1923, got Fiume in 1924 and turned Albania into an Italian protectorate. In 1935 to 1936, Italy took Abyssinia which was rich in natural resources and was strategically important. This was planned by Mussolini in the early 1930s. He then joined it with nearby land (Eritrea and the Italian Somaliland) obtained earlier to form a colonial empire in East Africa. In this event, Germany gave full support to Italy and this paved the way for future co-operation between two totalitarian states. Italy’s success in annexing Abyssinia encouraged more aggression that threatened the world peace. Second, there was a Spanish Civil War in 1936 to 1939. Mussolini and Hitler co-operated closely in sending army and weapons to assist General Franco who attempted to set up a totalitarian regime in Spain. Their co-operation laid the foundations for the formation of an alliance between the two countries. Third, their alliance aroused suspicion from the Allied Powers and encouraged Italy and Germany to intensify their invasion with the support of each other . Thus, in 1936, by forming the Berlin-Rome Axis, Italy and Germany were promised to take the same stance on important international issues in the future. This further assured their relationship. Forth, In December 1937, Italy withdrew from the League of Nations to facilitate her further expansion. Besides, the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis was formed. Fifth, in April 1939, she annexed Albania. In May, she signed the Pact of Steel, a military alliance, with Germany. In this way, Mussolini led Italy into the whirlpool of the Second World War by turning her into one of its initiators.