John F Kennedy

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Q4. To what extent do sources A, F and G give a full and accurate assessment of Kennedy’s actions and abilities?

Source A is a Democratic Poster during the 1960 Presidential Election campaign.

It predicts what Kennedy will be like as President but doesn’t actually tell us what he has done, therefore it is unable to give us an insight to Kennedy‘s actions or abilities because he isn‘t able to do anything yet.

It is also unreliable because it is a deliberate attempt to get democrats to vote for Kennedy, it is also inadequate because of this.

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It’s adequacy is questionable because it is confined to a group of people that aren’t a representation of the whole nation but only the Democratic view at that time.

Source A is also limited as it is confined to a time period before the elections. In terms of content Source A shows us the views of some of the nation and displays evidence of the propaganda and tactics used during J.F.K’s electoral campaign.

Source A’s only use in terms of provenance is that it shows the tactics used by the Democrats.

Source F is ...

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