It’s adequacy is questionable because it is confined to a group of people that aren’t a representation of the whole nation but only the Democratic view at that time.
Source A is also limited as it is confined to a time period before the elections. In terms of content Source A shows us the views of some of the nation and displays evidence of the propaganda and tactics used during J.F.K’s electoral campaign.
Source A’s only use in terms of provenance is that it shows the tactics used by the Democrats.
Source F is an extract from William Manchester’s novel “one brief shining moment”, it exaggerates Kennedy’s actions during the Cuban Missile crisis. It claims that he saved the world from communists and nuclear destruction.
This source is unreliable because it is a hagiography an was edited by Jackie Kennedy. It is also depicted about what it says, it claims that Kennedy was the greatest man alive and is very selective in what it contains.
In terms of adequacy and limitations it has very selective remembrance of Kennedy during his term as president. It is also a hagiography edited by Jackie Kennedy, limiting it to the specific things in which she wants people to know.
Source F helps us understand what the Kennedy’s and J.F.K’s friend and family thought of him during his reign as president. It cultivates the view that Kennedy was perfect.
In terms of provenance it shows us how people felt about Kennedy’s dealings as President.
Source G is a cartoon from an American newspaper of 1962.
It depicts Kennedy as the bully, Krushchev as the Kennedy and Castro in the buggy shooting a slingshot at Kennedy, it is metaphoric of the dealings with Cuba and the Soviet’s during the Cuban Missile crisis.
Source G is unreliable as it is sacrificial, and may be partisan. It is clearly aimed at a republican audience or neutrals in order to portray Kennedy in a bad light by using simple techniques.
It is inadequate as it is confined to a limited period of time. It is a simple cartoon and is biased against Kennedy quite profusely.
Source G’s content shows us how people felt about him and that people didn’t feel he was perfect during his time as president only after his assassination. It also shows that people thought he was correct in his bullying of Krushchev and Castro.
In terms of provenance it shows what a republican audience felt about him during his time as president.