My objective would be to find an Indian village and try to make myself known as harmless and then try to experience the feel of the Indians culture. As I arrived in the West, I set out, only armed with a horse, gun, food and drink which

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Anthony Proffit        Miss. Weiss        3/7/05

The Buffalo Hunt

I have just returned back from the West having experienced a once in a lifetime moment. My objective was to visit an Indian village in order to experience Native American culture in its original habitat, but I found much more.

As I set out on my enthralling quest, I had a general idea of where I was heading for. My objective would be to find an Indian village and try to make myself known as harmless and then try to experience the feel of the Indians culture.

As I arrived in the West, I set out, only armed with a horse, gun, food and drink which would only last me a couple of days, I had to move fast.

After only a couple of hours travelling on my horse back I noticed a lot of smoke coming from somewhere off in the horizon. I headed straight for the smoke realising that there must be some civilisation there.

In order to get there I was required to ride on my horse up a fairly steep hillside and so went up the hill slowly and steadily. As I reached the top of the hill, I saw a most wonderful site. There, sat in front of me was an immense herd of buffalo, all grazing and bathing in the sun. I realised that if I were to get noticed I would most likely end up being killed and so I decided to try and get around the buffalo.

It took me an extra hour or so to get round the buffalo without being noticed but it has to be said, it was worth it.

I continued to ride towards the smoke and realised that I was getting very close after only a couple of hours riding.

I was beginning to feel a certain emptiness inside my head; I started to take into account many things that I had never even thought about when preparing to set off. How do I greet the Indians? How do I make myself known to be harmless? How will the Indians react to my presence? So many questions, however I knew in my head that they were going to be answered in a very short time.

As I neared the Indian village, I decided to get off my horse and walk with it in order to seem less harmful. As I approached I noticed a huge roaring fire and music being played by Indian people. Everyone was dancing and having a good time, however there is one thing that I thought there was missing. There was no food and also the people had very raggedy looking clothes. The tepee’s had some huge rips in them and were tried to be fixed with leaves which weren’t very effective.

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As I approached I was noticed by a couple of Indian men who ran to a very old looking man who seemed very wise.

As he approached me, I suddenly realised every eye turn to look at me. I felt very vulnerable as you could imagine and felt that at any second I could be killed. Instead of panicking like some other people would have done, I thought back to what I knew about the Indians. I knew that they used the buffalo for nearly every aspect of their life. Knowing it was very important to them; I thought ...

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