Nazi life in Germany

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Life in Nazi Germany


When Hitler joined the National Socialist Party he claimed it was more than a party and was to rule Germany; he recoiled at the idea of liberal individualism and tried to enforce the idea of ‘Volksgemeinschaft’, ‘a people’s community’.

When Hitler became Fuhrer he aimed to improve the German economy and to reduce unemployment. Hitler succeeded at this by using conscription, forcing men over 18 to john the armed forces; he also reduced unemployment by banning women from the armed forces. Hitler also developed many things we use today in modern life, for example: Motorways (autobahn), jets, synthetic fuels, guided missiles and microwaves to name a few. In fact, the first magnetic tape was a recording of a Hitler speech.


Hitler tried to influence young people who would later become Nazi adults by inventing the ‘Hitler Youth’, a club similar to scouts, that took in children aged 7-18. It was meant to train children for life. Similar to Nazi education, the children were then taught about warfare and fighting if they were male and the three C’s if they were female ( Cooking, Children, Church).This was Hitler’s way of trying to breed an Aryan race.

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The total membership in 1939 was 8 million but began to fall after war broke out, despite membership being compulsory. Many teenagers rebelled against it and openly admired American fashion and swing music.


In Nazi Germany women were raised to be good housewives and to stay at home to cook and take care of children. They were part of the League of Maidens when they were younger (female version of the Hitler Youth) and left when they were 18, fully educated in life skills.

Sexism was encouraged in Germany and many ...

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