Prohibition. In this essay I will be looking into prohibition, peoples opinions on it and the effects it had on the United States of America. I will be analysing sources

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History Coursework


In this essay I will be looking into prohibition, peoples opinions on it and the effects it had on the United States of America. I will be analysing sources from various periods in the past, stretching from 1910 all the way to 1973. I will be using my analysis of these sources to answer questions on them.

Firstly I will be analysing sources 'A' and 'B'. I feel that both the sources agree with prohibition to an extent, as in source 'A' it states that there are many reasons why prohibition started, such as the 'Bad influence' of saloons. The writer feels that the influence of the saloons was bad, therefore agreeing with prohibition. Likewise in source 'B' 'The Women's Christians temperance' union was on what was described as a 'crusade' against one of the 'Great evils of the times-alcohol'. The use of the word 'crusade' shows that the writer thought that their cause was positively good. As their cause was against alcohol, the writer must have agreed with prohibition. Source 'A' was from an American history book, published in 1973. This shows that the source is quite reliable, as it was written after the time of prohibition; and the writer could have looked back on the incident knowing the final outcome. Unlike source 'B', which was written around about 1917, which was before the prohibition law had even been passed. So they could not possibly have known the effects it would have on the country and its people. Their views may also have been biased due to all the strong religious groups and government. The writer of source 'A' may have agreed about prohibition when it first started, but it is safe to say that they do not agree looking back on it. The writer would also have not have been biased as other people or the government could not have influenced them, and being in a history book it covers all points of view.
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Source 'C' and 'D' are both for prohibition though they both show this in very different ways. Source 'C' shows it is for prohibition by stating that the 'Poor Mans Club' is well named, as it keeps its members and their families always poor. This source however only gets at the fact that drinking is a waste of money, and that you are letting yourself down. The title of the source, 'Slaves of the Saloon' unsettles the reader, as they do not like the idea that they are slaves to anybody. They want to be in control of ...

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