Questions and answers about Hitler's rise to power.

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Jade Edwards

29th July 2002

Germany Coursework

Q1.Choose any one reason from the list and explain how it contributed to Hitler’s rise.

The Treaty of Versailles contributed to Hitler’s rise by being the most hated treaty ever brought about.  The Treaty ruined any chance of Germany regaining dignity after World War One.  The German people didn’t believe they had lost the war or should be blamed for the war, so when the Treaty gave them a term they had to agree with e.g. You must take the blame for starting the war, they felt the terms were unfair.  Also what was unfair the German’s were not there when the terms where drawn up, so this made them unhappy but they also felt the terms were hypocritical and unjust.  The terms of the Treaty were too harsh and the German people refused to agree to them The Treaty crippled Germany by making them pay reparations for the damages caused.  Hitler was a wise man and used this to his advantage.  He knew that the German’s were in serious trouble with money and debts, sp he made promises to get them out of the hardship and out of unemployment, he used his 25 point program to try and achieve this. Hitler spoke well of these things he promised to do and won many Germens over, as they were still bitter over the signing of the Treaty, by the Weimar Government.  This also helped Hitler, and again he used it to his advantage by telling the German people that the Weimar here ‘Stabbing their army in the back’.  Hitler called the Weimar the ‘November Criminals’, because of the Armistice of November 1918.  Hitler made it look like the Weimar took the easy way out and just signed the Treaty, he didn’t give the Germans the facts.  E.g. like either sign the Treaty or start another war.  The Weimar Government had to carry the blame for the Treaty, so it was getting weaker and lost many of its followers.  The people of Germany were very venerable and were looking for a new, stronger leader, to help them out of the depression.  Hitler’s used his brilliant oratory skills and the weaknesses so the Weimar, which was down to the Treaty of Versailles to win over the German, peoples votes, and started his rise to power.

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Q2.Using some of the causes in the list, explain how both long-term and short-term causes contributed to Hitler’s rise to power.

A long-term cause that contributed to Hitler’s rise is the Treaty of Versailles, this triggered off many things to help Hitler gain power over Germany.  The Treaty of Versailles, which was signed by the Weimar Government, caused conflict throughout the country.  It caused a lot of land to be lost, but most important the reparations term crippled Germany.  Paying the reparations of £6,600 million lead Germany into economic hardship in 1923, so they weren’t able to ...

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