Reichstag fire coursework assignments

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Reichstag fire coursework assignments

Question 1

In the tense and strained period from 1920 to 1923 the Nazis gained support among extreme nationalists and anti-communists. The Nazis promised to deal with the crisis in Germany at the present time for example low employment, although people would consider that the Munich putsch was a failure, in his trial it gave him a stage in which to speak, and impress the judges which he did, and he emerged from it a much stronger figure. Hitler had the support of the army, so they could keep control over the country; they also had the support of the Bavarian sate government.

In 1934-39 Hitler and the Nazis party planned to get complete control over Germany and to create racial Germany, Hitler used tactics and one of theses was propaganda.

The Nazis begin to increase support during 1924-1929, because they were better organized, Goebbels increased the propaganda by producing posters. The practice was active throughout the whole of Germany. The Nazis started to get supported from farmers and skilled workers. They had a remarkable leader in Hitler. However the Weimar republic was getting better, people were getting more jobs and so forth. Other parties were more popular like social democrats.

The great depression affected different people, for people who lost their jobs there was poverty, hunger and homelessness. Businessmen saw their businesses close. If they did manage to survive they saw their income fall- because in depression people had less money to spend, even on essentials like food and clothes. To make matters worse the government actually raised taxes to pay for looking after the increasing number of poor people; however they were not hit as badly as their workers or farmers. Young people in 1933 over half of all Germans between the ages between the ages of 16 and 30 were unemployed. Sixty per cent of new university graduates could not get a job. Farmers slipped further into debt. For factory workers, 40% of all factory workers were unemployed by 1932, also the government cut unemployment benefit to save money, so for the unemployed this was a time of extreme poverty. These problems helped the Nazis because they could promise strong leadership and employment.

People that appealed to the Nazis was working class who were facing unemployment, which the Nazis promised jobs, food and so forth, also there was the middle class who were frightened of communists and of big business men’s wealth. In depression they lost savings, sold off treasures, shops closed down, lost jobs. So they saw the Weimar republic as weak, so the Nazis offered good leadership, financial help and to get rid of rich Jews, who were still successful in businesses.

There was the upper class who were rich land owners, business people, afraid of communist, the Nazis promised them a rich and strong Germany, the like Hitler for attacking Versailles treaty, which took their land and money. They appealed to women because Nazis promised marriage loans, maternity grants and family allowances. Nazis wanted women to stay at home, marry and have children. They appealed to nationalists and youths. In the 1920’s the Nazis had the lowest numbers of seats.

The Nazis were well organized, many Nazis brought to the party work the same obedience, organisation and teamwork, and also local workers were well trained and motivated. Nazis also used propaganda which they used to say half-truths, using radio, newspapers and posters and so forth. The Nazi propaganda further whipped up fear and hatred of the communists. The Nazis had the support of the industrialists, which the Nazis gained financial backing from big business. They used technology to redouble their propaganda; Goebbels takes on planes to fly Hitler all over Germany in order to speak to four or five massive rallies per day. Radio broadcasts, millions of election posters, rallies, parades and marches carried the Nazi message into every town and home in Germany. Hitler made promises workers jobs and employees were promised restored profits, farmers higher prices; shopkeepers protection against competition. There was something for everybody. Other parties were very weak and they underestimated the Nazis. Also Hitler was seen as a hero.

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I believe that the main reason why Nazis gained votes was because of the depression, many people where left vulnerable and needed someone to support them financially; which Hitler was promising, Hitler was seen as a superman who was a strong decisive leader.

Question 2

The Nazis was successful but they weren’t popular they hadn’t gotten more than 50 seats in the Reichstag election; in July 1932 they proceeded to peak, then they decreased in November.

Although the Nazis didn’t have as much people voting for them, than against them, they did have one third of all ...

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