"Relief, Recovery and Reform". In terms of achieving these aims, the new deal was a great success. Do you agree? Explain your answer.

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Séanna Ó Coinn 10A

“Relief, Recovery and Reform”. In terms of achieving these aims, the new deal was a great success. Do you agree? Explain your answer.


  • What was the new deal? ,  And why did F.D.R introduce it.
  • Give examples of new deal laws and agencies and say whether they where a success or not.
  • In what ways did the new deal fail to achieve its targets?
  • Conclusion-on balance was it a success or failure?

The new deal was the term given to the massive economic and social programme introduced by F.D.R in the first 100 days. It took large sums of money to run this scheme and so F.D.R had to raise taxes. This angered a lot of upper class, wealthy people and some even called him a traitor to his class.

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In a lot of ways the new deal was a success, it created millions of jobs for the previously un-employed and created huge relief schemes like the T.V.A (the Tennessee Valley Association), this provided millions of jobs in the dust bowel (the poorest parts of America) and helped build dams which provided irrigation for farmers and cheap electricity as well.

 It also created the Blue Eagle Act, this meant that companies who displayed the blue eagle had to pay their workers a minimum wage and abolish child labour workers also had the right to be in trade unions. ...

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