In a lot of ways the new deal was a success, it created millions of jobs for the previously un-employed and created huge relief schemes like the T.V.A (the Tennessee Valley Association), this provided millions of jobs in the dust bowel (the poorest parts of America) and helped build dams which provided irrigation for farmers and cheap electricity as well.
It also created the Blue Eagle Act, this meant that companies who displayed the blue eagle had to pay their workers a minimum wage and abolish child labour workers also had the right to be in trade unions. The Blue Eagle act was a success while it lasted, but the Supreme Court closed it down because it was said to be unconstitutional.
F.D.R restored people’s faith in the banking system and economy. In his first day in office he closed down all the banks for 4 days and would only let the financially secure ones reopen. By doing this more and more people started to put their money back in to banks and this got the economy back on its feet.
F.D.R realised that he was spending too much money on these relief schemes so he started to cut back on Government spending. Soon after that the economy suffered another blow and unemployment started to rise again and so F.D.R asked Congress for more money and so Congress granted him another $2,400,000,000. This meant that the already high taxes had to be raised again and the taxpayers where furious.
With this second New Deal F.D.R introduced the Social security act, which gave Government money to pensioners and disabled people.
The second New Deal would have been a failure if it wasn’t for events that happened in Europe, and when the Second World War broke out America started selling billions of Dollars worth of weapons to the allies and was finally back on its feet.
In some ways the New Deal wasn’t all good. There were still many people who where unemployed and many people criticised F.D.R schemes as being unconstitutional and a waste of the taxpayers money.
In many ways the New Deal was a success, especially the creation of agencies and bodies such as the T.V.A and the CCC. But although it created jobs, it was also a large drain on taxpayers’ money, and many people disliked the aspect of Government intervention in their everyday lives.
On balance whoever it succeeded on a very large scale and the good points greatly out weigh the bad points. In terms of providing relief I would give the new deal 6/10, because although it did help many people get their jobs back their where still millions un employed. In terms of providing Recovery I would give the new deal 7/10, because it got the banks reopened and got the economy back on its feet. And lastly in terms of reform I would give it 8/10 because it had abolished the doctrine of “Laissez Faire” and had shown the greatest Government intervention ever by the American Government, especially with the social security act.