Russian October 1917 Revolution - When, what, who, why, how and where.

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Russian October 1917 Revolution WhenThe Revolution took place in October 1917 (can also be referred to as the Revolution in November 1917 due to Russian calendar system), when the Russian Provisional Government was still in turmoil and no leader was yet elected by the people. However, the precise date was October 24th.WhatThe Russian Revolution in October 1917 was an event which followed an earlier Revolution in February of the same year. The Revolution was a series of unorganised events triggered by Lenin who had
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the idea to use the state of Russian government to capitalise on his party’s popularity.WhoThe chains of events were triggered by one man called Lenin whose role in the February Revolution must be studied first. Looking back at the aftermath of the previous revolution in February, with Tsar Nicholas II being overthrown by the people and the military, a provisional government was formed by the leading members of Tsar’s parliamentary body called Duma which was led by Kerensky until further election can be held. Despite that, the state of Russian government was still in a chaos. Looking to benefit from ...

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