Stalin man or monster?

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Source A is very different to sources B and C.  Stalin is shown standing by pyramids ‘visit Russia’s pyramids’.  The picture is symbolising the results of Stalin’s policies in which many people died.  Stalin is showing no emotion.

Sources B and C are very similar in that they are both showing Stalin as a popular, liked man.

In source B it shows him with some of the workers on a hydro-electric power station.  Stalin looks very relaxed and casual standing with his hand in one pocket and holding his pipe.

However, the painting is an official soviet painting so it was probably manipulated to make Stain look good with happy workers.

Source C was taken by a soviet photographer so the picture was probably planned on purpose to show Stalin’s popularity and to make it look like all the people adore him.

Sources B and C give very similar impressions of Stalin, showing him as a loved man.  Whereas source A gives the impression that he is a monster.

Source D is a speech written by a writer to the congress of soviets in 1935.  The speech was published in Pravda, the paper of the communist party.  The fact that it was published in Russia in 1935 already tells us that this source has probably been manipulated in some way to make Stalin look better.  The only reason people would lie about him is because they were terrified of him so they had no choice but to suck up to him or face execution.

This article does show us how Stalin had many people terrified and you can see this in the source because of how fake and obsessed the writer is.  However because of the purges most of the stuff written about him was propaganda.  Therefore meaning the information is of little use as it is purely either opinion or fake.

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I believe that the fact Bukharin’s speech is written after becoming a victim of the purges and the fact it’s written in Paris, where he is out of Stalin’s control makes his assessment more reliable.

The writer expresses his anger and hatred towards Stalin.  Yet I think the reason Bukharin’s assessment is reliable is the fact that he was very close to Stalin in helping him against Trotsky.  Nonetheless he then fell into disagreement with him and he became a victim of the purges, but managed to escape to Paris, in exile out of Stalin’s ...

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