Stalin Man or Monster

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Stalin: Man or Monster?

Joseph Stalin was a Soviet dictator who in some people’s eyes was a magnificent leader who saved the Russian economy and created a superpower economy. However, others see Stalin as the greatest mass murder in history. Stalin was a man who ruled in the name of the people, yet stopped at no crime for those same people. The views about Stalin differ, some people see him as a man and some as a monster.


Sources A, B and C are all different and similar in various ways.  Source A is a cartoon published in Paris during the 1930’s. At this time many people in France were anti communist, therefore it is clear that the cartoon would be anti-Stalin. The cartoon shows Stalin standing in front of pyramids of skulls and pointing at them as he is proud of his achievement. The words written on the poster “Visitez l’U.R.S.S SES piyramdes!” in English mean, “Come visit our pyramids”.

Source B portrays a completely different view of Stalin. This source is an official Soviet painting of Stalin with the workers at a newly opened hydroelectric power station in the 1930’s. It shows Stalin dressed in white clothes, smoking a pipe and acting as a father figure to the peasants. The poster shows how involved Stalin is with his people and how modest he is.

Source C is a photograph of Stalin congratulating wives of army officers, however, the year it was take in, is unknown.  It shows Stalin shaking the hands of the wives, acting in a very modest way.

Sources A and B have many similarities and differences, however each shows a different point of view. Source A is clearly anti-Stalin and source B is very much pro-Stalin. Seeing that source B is a Soviet painting, it isn’t reliable as it had to be pro-Stalin, otherwise the painter would have been arrested. Source A and source B are similar as they both highlight Stalin’s achievements in the first 5 year plan. The 5 year plan was introduced by Stalin to improve Russia’s industries; he believed that it was a matter of life or death. Source A shows one outcome of the 5 year plan which was Stalin murdering his own people. Stalin didn’t physically murder his own people, but as a result of his plan in 4 years an estimated 127,000 workers died. This was as a result of poor working conditions and because of Stalin’s unrealistic targets. Collectivization (Soviet system of land management) helped induce a famine which killed a further 10 million Russian people. Source B shows another, much more positive outcome of the 5 year plan which was new power stations being opened and Stalin being proud, not of his achievements, but of the peasants and his joint achievement. This was a roaring success. In source B Stalin is proud of his achievements and his peasants for achieving his target, however it fails to mention what was the cost of the five year plan. No where in source B is there an indication that the five year plan cost Russia 127,000 workers and 10 million people. Similarly, no where in source A is there an indication that there might have been a successive aspect of the 5 year plan. Source A only highlights how the 10 million farmers and their families were thrown out of their homes and died of famine, and the 127,000 people who died as a result of the 5 year plan. For this reason, both sources aren’t very accurate and can be misleading.

In both source A and source B is Stalin shown taking pride in his achievements. Source A tries to show the malevolence of Stalin as it shows how he is proud that his plan resulted in the death of over 10 million Russian people. Source B also shows Stalin proud of his achievement, but in this source Stalin’s kindness and modesty is highlighted. He is shown taking much pride in how his plan worked out and is modest as he is sharing it with the peasants of Russia, to show that it’s not only his achievement. He shows his modesty in both sources as he is dressed in simple clothing.

However, a great difference between the two is that source B is a real painting, which means that Stalin was actually at the power station with the peasants. Source A on the other hand is a caricature, Stalin didn’t actually stand in front of a pyramid and point at million of dead Russian’s skulls. This can imply that source B is much more reliable then source A as only the concept of source A really happened, but not that actual picture.

Two different impressions of Stalin are being expressed in sources A and C. Source C suggests that Stalin is a wonderful dictator who has done a lot of good for Russia. It shows him as a loyal man, as he is loyal to the red army. Source A suggests that Stalin is a spiteful and cruel dictator that is responsible for the death of millions of Russians. However, they are also similar in many ways; both sources show Stalin as an individual. In source A Stalin is the only person shown next to the pyramids of skulls, therefore suggesting that he is the only man responsible for it. Similarly, in source C Stalin us shown as the only man congratulating the wives of the army officers. Although in very different ways, both sources show Stalin dealing with the Russian people. In source C, Stalin deals with the wives of the army officers and seems very polite, and is reaching to the wives, instead of the wives reaching to him; this again shows Stalin’s modesty. In source A he proudly points at the skull pyramids of the Russian people. The two sources are different in a sort that in source C Stalin shows his modest and in source A he is very proud of himself. Conversely, they both show that he is dealing with the Russian people. Another major difference is that source A is said to have been painted in the 1930’s whilst source C does not give an indication of when it was taken. This is a major difference because they could have been produced at completely different times. Source C might have been photographed after the Second World War, with Stalin celebrating the win of the Russian people and congratulating the wives on their patience whilst waiting for their husbands to return. It could have also been taken when the Second World War started and show Stalin congratulating the wives on their bravery whilst their husbands are fighting.

A very clear similarity between sources B and C is that they are both positive towards Stalin and his methods. In both source B and source C Stalin is very modest and polite to the people. Whilst Stalin does show his modesty his leadership can still clearly be seen in the sources. Source C has the wives reaching up to Stalin, showing how they look up to him. Source B shows Stalin as a father figure to the peasants as they work while he smokes a pipe and is proud of what they are doing. Though the two sources are similar, they also have great differentiations. Source B shows Stalin dressed in peasants clothing to show that he is as one of them. Source C however shows Stalin dressed in a suit showing his superiority to the women. This reflects on how Stalin always liked to be in control, wearing a suit and the women reaching up to shake his hand, show how he is the dictator and how he is in control.

In these three sources Stalin is seen both as a magnificent man and as a wicked monster. All three sources are similar in a way that all of them involve Stalin in some way associated with the Russian people. Also, all of them have some truth in them. They are all very different as each one shows a different aspect of Stalin and how he dealt with Russian people while he was in power.

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Source D is a personal account written by Stalin in 1945. The source is a personal attack by Stalin on the victorious Communist government in 1945. It is directed towards the peasants and worthy classes.

Stalin talks about how he lived in exile in Siberia, immediately trying to get the reader to sympathise and understand that he has been through an unpleasant life. He goes on to say that when 30 men went to the river to carry out a timber and returned with just 29. It is important to note that he uses the word ...

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