Study Sources A and B. How far do these two accounts agree about Prohibition?

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Question A. Study Sources A and B. How far do these two accounts agree about Prohibition?

This question is instructing me to compare sources A and B and notice how far they actually agreed about Prohibition.

The Sources A and B both agree about Prohibition in some ways and disagreed about it in others. They each discuss and explain when prohibition was introduced and the consequences that it brought, both agreeing on points to a certain extent. For example they both agree that alcohol was evil, but in other ways disagree as Source B goes into more depth about the effects of prohibition by using figures such as, '30,000 speakeasies in New York.'

Throughout each piece of text, the sources both agreed quite a lot and felt strongly about the same matters. This is because each of the sources state the consequences that Prohibition brought about by saying 'It created the greatest criminal boom in American history (Source A)' and also '...Prohibition into big, violent business (Source B).' This shows that each of these sources both agree that banning alcohol was a bad thing, as it increased organised crime and made the streets of America much more dangerous.

The Sources also agree that people might not fully carry out the Prohibition law, and take matters into their own hands. This is because each of the Sources states that people would go around the law to find ways of securing themselves alcohol. For example Source A states 'No earlier law produces such widespread crime. For no earlier law had gone against the daily customs, habits and desires of so many Americans.' Source B also agrees by quoting ' "Prohibition is a business," said Al Capone, " all I do is supply a public demand." ' These quotes agree that the people of America were willing to do anything to get alcohol by breaking the law, and therefore Prohibition was pointless and not worthwhile. It shows that the Government were making a wrong turn by denying the people something that they wanted.
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Alternatively, both Sources also agreed that Prohibition was a good thing and described alcohol as being bad and evil. This is because in Source A depicts Prohibition being introduced because of the moral fervour of 'War to Make the World Safe for Democracy.' This shows that the source feels that alcohol was a weight, which was pulling the world back from moving on and causing many problems, therefore it had to be banned. Also Source B describes alcohol by using the term '...the evils of drink' and '...the great evils of the time- alcoholism,' which shows that they ...

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