The Cuban Missile Crisis Describe how relations between the superpowers worsened between 1959 and the summer of 1962.

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The Cuban Missile Crisis Coursework.

Question 1. Describe how relations between the superpowers worsened between 1959 and the summer of 1962.

The Cold War started after world war II ended, and Germany was defeated.  Germany was to be governed partly by the U.S.S.R., and by the U.S.A. who at the time were the two most powerful nations in the world.  They had briefly been allies, once the war was won, the differences in their ideas and beliefs about how the country should be run caused major disagreement.

  The U.S.S.R believed in communism, which meant that they put equality and the community first.  Farms, factories and transport were all owned by the Government, and there were fixed wages and prices.  This meant that there were no very rich people and no very poor people.  People were unable to travel, and the there was censorship of the press, which meant people often didn’t know what going on.  However, education, health and housing were all controlled, which meant that everyone got the care that they needed.

  The U.S.A on the other hand believed in Capitalism, which meant that they put freedom and individuality first. There was freedom of speech, freedom of travel and freedom of beliefs.

  However, there was a large gap between the rich and the poor, and some people were living in poverty, whilst others were millionaires.

Each nation disagreed entirely with what the other nation believed.  

The nations competed against each other, and poured out propaganda against each other, that stirred up hatred and fear.

There was what as known as the Arms Race, which meant that both nations developed millions of deadly weapons, trying to make them more powerful than the other country.

  This added a new fear to the Cold War, as it was quite possible that Nuclear war could break out. This would mean an end to both nations.

In 1959, a ‘Hot Spot’ came into focus, which would last until 1962.  Cuba was to be the main focal point for the problems.

  Up until 1959, Cuba was governed by General Batista, who was a harsh dictator.  Batista was cruel and unpopular with the Cuban people.  Most of the population had a very poor quality of life, this was due to most of the businesses in Cuba being owned by the U.S.A., and so most of the profits made were exported out of Cuba, back to America.  Batista had very good relations with America, and they bought all of Cuba’s sugar.  This was the country’s main source of income.

  In 1959, the Cuban people started to give their support to a young rebel leader, Fidel Castro. Castro promised them a better quality of life.  In 1959,  Castro overthrew Batista and became president of Cuba.  

Castro began to cut off relations with U.S.A, and nationalised all of the Cuban businesses.  This angered the U.S.A., and they withdrew from buying Cuban sugar.

Naturally, Castro set up connections with Russia, and they bought the sugar instead.  This enraged America even more, which made the situation very tense.

  In 1960, an American u2 spy plane was shot down over Russia.

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The US president refused to apologise for spying on Russia.

The 1960 summit meeting, which was held to try and resolve the problem collapsed when the two nations refused to settle an agreement.  

In 1961, the Berlin Wall was erected.  It was built because so many people were escaping from Communist east Berlin. Anyone who tried to scale the wall to escape was shot instantly. It looked like Russia was winning, which made America even more determined to overthrow them.

Communication between the two sides had almost completely broken down, as each side was ignoring the other. ...

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