'The expansion of Europe and the emergence of a discoursive contrast between the West and the Rest.'

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 TUTORIAL 3: ‘The expansion of Europe and the emergence of a discoursive contrast between the West and the Rest.

Chapter 6 in ‘Formations of Modernity’ examines the long historical processes through which a new type of society – advanced, developed and industrial – emerged.

At first sight the words ‘West’ and ‘western’ seem to be about matters of geography and location, however, it is not that straightforward. It is true that what we call ‘the West’ DID first emerge in Western Europe. But ‘the West’ is no longer only in Europe and not all of Europe is in ‘the West’. Eastern Europe doesn’t belong properly to ‘the West’; whereas the United States which is not in Europe definitely does. These days, technologically speaking, Japan is ‘western’ even though it is in the East. By comparison, much of Latin America, which is in the Western Hemisphere, belongs economically to the third world.

The underlying premise is that ‘the West’ is a historical not geographical construct.

By ‘western’ we mean the type of society that is developed, industrialised, urbanised, capitalist, secular and modern. Such societies arose at a particular historical period – roughly during the 16th Century after the Middle Ages and the break up of feudalism. Nowadays any society, wherever it exists on the geographical map, which shares these characteristics, can be said to belong to the west.              

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The West and the Rest became two sides of a single coin. The so-called uniqueness of the west was, in part, produced by Europe’s contact and self-comparison with other, non-western societies (the Rest). The difference of these other societies and cultures from the west was the standard against which the West’s achievement was measured.

Europe breaks out.

Broadly speaking, European expansion coincides with the end of what we call ‘the Middle Ages’ and the beginning of the ‘modern age’. Feudalism was already in decline in Western Europe, while trade, commerce and the market were expanding.

The age ...

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