The Fall of the Tsar

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The Tsar and his ancestors has been running Russia as an autocracy for over 300 years. Running the worlds biggest country as an autocracy with a very incompetant Tsar was inevitably a recipie for disaster. Running a 6592800km² country single handedly was obviously never going to work. Tsar Nicholas II hated people giving  him advice, even if it was good advice. He clearly didn’t like people who were cleverer then he was. For example, the Tsar replaced Goremykin with Stolypin as Prime Minister. Stolypin used harsh methods of ruling which ended up with good results; however, Stolypin was assassinated just before Nicholas was going to fire him.

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The Tsar was also a very ignorant man who would ignore almost all advice he was given, even if it was good advice. Nicholas would only ever listen to his friend and people who were in great power, who funnily enough were his friends.

The second reason as to why the Tsar fell from power was World War 1.  The Russian Army was terribly run. The Tsar himself had chosen the Army Generals based on their status and friendship to him. They had to army experience and almost no idea what they were doing. They were very poorly equiped ...

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