The Final Solution Sources Coursework

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The Final Solution Coursework  GRAY PR


Study sources 1 and 2.

  1. In which country were the camps located solely for the murder of Jews?
  2. Does source 1 support source 2?

1a) From sources 1 and 2 it is clear that the camps used to kill the Jews were situated in Poland.

1b) the map only confirms the presence of these camps in Poland and that ‘dreadful deeds’ could mean killing people. The map doesn’t show any centres of population or confirm the secrecy of the remoteness of the camps. The map also doesn’t confirm resettlement plans or if they were publicised. We are also told nothing about the suspicions of the German people, if the Jews were being killed and the nature of the dictatorship. Source 1 only shows the location of the camps and tells us of there purpose. Source 2 supports the writer’s opinion of the final solution.


Study sources 2-7

How might Germans have become suspicious about the fate of the Jews.


2) Sources 2-7 tell us what some Germans could have known about what would happen of Jews. In source 2, from ‘Nazi Policy Against the Jews’ by William Carr, tells us that the Nazis tried to keep things secret. Regardless of this rumours did circulate about appalling ‘deeds in the East’. At this  time a lot of people had to move to live elsewhere as a result of Nazi ‘resettlement’. The German citizens may not have questioned the fate of Jews mainly due to the fact that, as we are made aware of in this source, “one must not forget that a dictatorship gradually corrupts its citizens: to ask too many questions, let alone protest was to risk arrest and possibly death’. There is also the possibility that they assumed the Jews had been resettled in other parts of Eastern Europe.

Source 3 from “The Era of the Second World WC by Philip Sauvain, informs us that that the workforce, in Austria were forbidden to talk of what was going on in their extermination camps. The source quotes an American observer at Dachau outside Munich: “Early in the morning when the crematoria were turned on, the electricity in the homes went down. When the ashes from the crematoria fell, they settled on the front lawns.’ Of course this source may be bias but I think these reports are of logical content which fits in well with how the death camps worked and therefore the citizens would obviously had their suspicions about this.

Source 4, again from ‘The Era of the Second World War’ by Philip Sauvain, proves that local people must have known that was something happening. It says “the greasy smoke and unmistakable odour of burning bodies could be detected for miles around the concentration camps ... villagers got up petitions to have the camps moved elsewhere.” It backs up Source 3 which talks about electricity going down in their houses and ash settling on their lawns and if the villagers made petitions then they must have thought more about these events and indeed what the camps were doing.

Source 5, nun “The Final Solution” by Gerald Reitlinger introduces the fact  that numerous workers at the camps are likely to have talked to other people about the work they were doing. They should also have realised that a lot of Jews were ‘missing’. It would be hard to believe that no one talked about what was happening. Reitlinger writes “More that a hundred million people must have known such things and whispered about them”. This may be a slight exaggeration but Sources 2 and 4 mention also rumours and stories.

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Source 6, “Public Opinion” writen by David Bankier provides even stronger evidence that the Germans could have been wary about the doom of the Jews. Information about the killing in the extermination camps divulged to the already suspicious public in many ways. We are at the outset told, “some of those involved in it or knew about it, publicly divulged information’ These included members of the army. It quotes one SS man as saying “in a suburban train that 2000 Jews had been murdered every week in Auschwitz”. Radio broadcasts made by the Allies are also mentioned which gave “accurate ...

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