The First World War was the result of a badly mis-managed Balkan crisis in the summer of 1914 rather than the product of long standing rivalries between the great powers. Assess the truth of this opinion in the causes of the outbreak of World War One.

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The First World War was the result of a badly mis-managed Balkan crisis in the summer of 1914 rather than the product of long standing rivalries between the great powers. Assess the truth of this opinion in the causes of the outbreak of World War One.

The reasons for the Great War 1914-1918 can be seen in terms of long term causes and short term causes. Historians must seek to establish whether the Balkan crisis and the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand were more of a detrmining factor to going to war than long standing rivalries between the Great powers.

The war should have been more localized between Austria-Hungary and Serbia but became a European war as predicted by Bismarck in 1880.

The Bismarckian alliance system created by Otto von Bismarck the German chancellor sought to keep the peace in Europe. Bismarck kept his friends close and his enemies even closer, he courted Russia into the Dreikaiserbund (three emperors treaty) with Austria-Hungary in 1881. This move succeeded in isolating France, However this alliance was very short lived and only lasted five years. After the collapse of the Dreikaiserbund Germany felt threatened by Russia who were not happy about how things were going in the Balkans due to the second Balkan crisis. There was a short war between Serbia and Bulgaria in 1886. Austria wanted a big Bulgaria an Russia wanted a small one.

In 1887 the Russians went to war with Turkey which was a struggling nation at this time, Russia wanted to take back Constantinople for Christianity. Russia went to war with Austrian approval, however the Austrians were under the impression that no large Slav state would be created. Russia defeated Turkey in 1878 and in the Treaty of San Stefano created a large Bulgaria. Bismarck now had to intervene, so he called the congress of Berlin. The treaty of Berlin saw the big Bulgaria being scrapped, the Russians saw this as a diplomatic defeat.

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This caused open threats of war in Vienna. Bismarck now needed a new agreement with Russia he had managed this crisis by getting Russia to sign the Reinsurance Treaty in 1887. This treaty stated that each country would remain neutral if the other went to war with a third power. The peace was kept for now, Bismarck had Russia onside again and had avoided crisis. However there was much discussion of war in late 1887 and many within the German military and Foreign office wanted war with Russia. However Bismarck managed the tense situation by remaining diplomatic. The reinsurance treaty ...

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