The Impact of the Versailles Treaty on Germany

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The Impact of the Versailles Treaty on Germany

Why did so many Germans not expect a harsh Treaty?

* Have set up a democratic republic (expect lenient treatment) Kaiser has gone + members are not responsible for conduct of war

* Germany had huge problems: economic / political, expecting allies to pity them or help

* Hadn't actually been defeated militarily - people didn't know

* Population felt it was the leaders at fault + other nations (War Guilt Clause 231) fabrication of responsibility
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* Wilson's 14 points - looked fair / lenient - national self-determination, no reparations (punishment ignored) not harsh

* Thought Lloyd George would want to be kind

How did the treaty affect Germany?

* Territorially - Polish corridor, E. borders, Alsace-Lorraine, N. Schleswig, Eupen Malmedy, Danzig, 6 million Germans told they are no longer German, 13% land changed hands

* Militarily - army 100,000, no air force, no conscription, 6 warships, no subs., no heavy artillery - de-militarised Rhineland, only allowed 7 years service - army worse than Belgium

* Economically - Saarland ...

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