The nature and the causes of the Great Depression of 1929 in America.

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1.        Introduction

The object of this Essay is to examine the nature and the causes of the Great Depression of

1929 in America.

The Great Depression was a social and economic depression. “The economic

depression began in 1929 and is placed by a variety of sources near to middle of the year.

Stock prices, which had increased at a tremendous rate in 1928 and 1929, collapsed

suddenly in October; Black Thursday, October 24, 1929, has become the symbol of the


1.1.        Causes of the Great Depression

        The new economic era of the 1920´s ended with an explosion of speculations. Since

March 1928, the shares of the big American companies like General Motors, Radio

Corporation of America, and United States Steel as well as others noted a fast and high

increase in their course at the stock exchanges.2 The index of the share-values had

almost doubled itself in twenty months. The selling of shares, had been very high through

the 1920´s, had brought capital for investments and thus carried the growth of economy.

Never before had the share value grown so heavily and so many new shares been put on the


Because of the impression never to lose money, investors became speculators. The

steady rising of the stock value impressed the nation that was fascinated by statistics.

Rumors were heard about immense fortunes won at the stock exchange.4 The hugest

interest lied on airplane building companies and radio producers. But nobody thought

about, if the value of shares under the economic situation were justified. After the boom

before the crash prices did not rise, but shareholders stayed optimistically. The crash

came during October 1929 with frightening speed.

1.2.        The day of the Great Depression began, “Black Friday”

        In the first week of September the stocks fell, but speculators took advantage to

buy at low prices and to make favorable business, and the market recovered again. At the

beginning of October 1929 there was a nervous mood but nobody was prepared for the

future. On Wednesday the 23rd  of October, the record amount of 6.5 million shares was

sold. The next day on Wall Street chaos and panic covered the scene. No one was

sure what was about to happen. Shares lost almost all their value and every shareholder

in the hope not to have too many losses sold his shares without exactly knowing their value

had fallen.

A second aggravating problem was the buying on credit. The shares had been

bought from the brokers on credit, and this credit was supposed to be paid off by the rising

shareholder values. As the shares fell, this possibility vanished, and stockholders had to

buy with cash, cash they could only get by selling other shares. In the evening, the vice-

president of Wall Street bought shares at a value of $ 240,000,000 as banks and

industry tried to stabilize the market. They achieved it for a longer period, but on the

evening of the 28th of October, Monday, a new panic rose. Nine million shares were sold.3

On the next day the exorbitant number of 16 million of shares was sold. The courses fell

by about 40 %. The crash reached its lowest point in the summer of 1923, as the index

stood 83 % under the maximum of the year 1929.

The crash came, because the share values did not resemble the true estate of the


Every industry branch related to steel, railroads, machines, and automobile-industry

as well as real estate trade worked making losses from 1929 to 1932. The source for

investment capital slipped away, and the investment stopped almost totally.

Disadvantageously the entrepreneurs lost faith due to the profit loss. The situation

woke disbelief in the use of new investments.

From 1929 until 1932 the total value of shares at Wall Street fell from $ 87 billion

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to $ 19 Billion U.S, dollars. Moreover, the crash was one of the principal reasons for the

decline in the American economy. The profit from financial businesses and speculations

destroyed every motivation for private citizens to save money, which led to the lack of

finances for investments. Furthermore it caused a decline of earnings of the big financial

institutions and terminated the market for luxury goods.

The extremely low-income level in agriculture was crucial and hindered the

economic upswing . From 1929 until 1932 the farmer’s earnings fell ...

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