The Resurrecting U.N.B.A

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The Resurrecting U.N.B.A

It’s the year 2110 President Carney of Russia has just been elected. He vows to make peace with Africa. The world’s most powerful continent after all African countries united. This caused a non-missile war, which Africa somehow won, making America and Britain close Allies and both very poor. Now nearly thirty years later America and Britain have become successful and are regaining power. Once Ifani Reguula the chairman of the committee running Africa discovers this, he instantly tries to make a treaty but no ordinary treaty, a treaty that would involve the whole world. The treaty's name would be the Treaty of the Sky. But the last President, President Carlos Fondoe of Russia disagreed and threw the idea of a treaty, even though it was going to bring world peace and would most properly find resources for the decaying earth.

    Now President Carney is in power he would be very wise to the treaty, but what terms would it be on?

    It’s July 20th 2115 President Carney has agreed on the treaty but it had been changed a lot. Firstly, every country or Committee Continents, such as Africa. Have to send an expedition team out to space to find Natural resources for the Earth. Also all countries have to get rid of nuclear warfare and power. All countries agreed on these terms and the expedition teams are on their way already. Britain and America are still preparing for the twelve-year journey but have a lot to do still, so the other countries believe. The real reason is that joint chairmen Robeson and Coleson of U.N.B.A (United Nations of Britain and America) have a totally different agenda. They want to send out marines and Ph.D.s to collect Bio-weapons from space. But its taking awhile to prepare for something that they don’t even know exists yet.

     “Colonel sectors C and D are secure and I’m awaiting reports from sectors A and B. The troops are on board the Xenya and are ready for take off.” “Thank you Lieutenant are the Ph.D.s awake still?” “That’s a negative sir they are in cryogenic sleep ready for the long journey. If that’s all sir I would like to request a few minutes to say goodbye to my family”. Lieutenant Harper adores his Colonel, but finds him too brave false even, but he respects his authority. Harper wanted the place of take off to be in America because it is closer to the equator. Colonel Farquare tells him that he is living in the past and that space shuttles these days are equipped enough to handle the extra air pressure and gravitational pull of the new Oxidation machines. Which were placed by Russia last year to keep the levels of Carbon at a respectable rate, well one of these devices which are the size of a tennis court is placed just above Greenland and would have made it impossible for a twentieth century space shuttle to leave orbit. Not many things can worry Colonel Farquare but the one thing that terrifies him is the thought of sabotage to the ship. He has some how got into his mind that someone is going to put a mine on board the ship just by the cryo-bay, where all the crew are temporarily frozen for the long journey.

    Colonel Farquare enters the practically deserted Xenya v the only people that are awake is the engineering team. As Farquare strolled around the Xenya, looking and admiring the ship, many of the engineers were saluting him. There was this one man, who didn’t salute him Farquare didn’t really think anything of it but the thing that did bother Farquare was that the man looked considerably familiar. The man had short blond hair and a scar on his left cheek, but Farquare just thought that he was being paranoid and it really was time for him to get to cryo-sleep after he checks the control room.

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   When Farquare got to the control room he expected to see the same man that he saw in the corridor, but to his great surprise he didn’t. The really spooky thing about it was that the corridor only leads down to the control room there are no other exits to the corridor and no exits to the control room either, so it made Farquare a little on edge that the man he just saw in the corridor has disappeared into thin air. It was just at that moment when Farquare realised something that the Xenya v had not always ...

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