The Role of White People in the Black Civil Rights Movement

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             2.1 By Stephen McManus 10G                        

        The role of white people towards the black civil rights movement varied, generally, white southerners were against the movement whereas white northerners were supportive of the movement.  However, northern whites living in urban areas with a high black population resented black civil rights movements because the black people increased competition for jobs and housing.  Also, some southerners did support the black rights movement.

        The white citizens council was an organisation which was strongly opposed to desegregation, the organisation did not want blacks and whites to mix and were determined not to let desegregation occur.  The organisation was strongest in the south as blacks were more active there.  the council fought to keep everything separate so that no desegregation would take place at all.  These views were similar to those of Ku Klux Klan (KKK), although not so extreme.

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        Another similarity to the white citizens council was the views of J Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI.  Hoover was opposed to Martin Luther King because he believed him to be under the influence of Communists.  Hoover ordered a new police initiative to disrupt the black civil rights movement.  This was a major blow to the black movement because Hoover influenced many people.

        Southern whites were still mainly opposed to black civil rights, they believed blacks were inferior and still saw them as socially and racially inferior.  The views of previous generations where slavery was still happening were passed ...

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