As rich people were against the Communists, who wanted to share the money, they were supporting the Nazi so they had strong and rich people to support them.
This helped Hitler get into power as the Depression made the Weimar republic look weak, and so it became popular. The Nazi were in power at that time.
Hitler also played an important role by using his leadership skills and his charisma make his speeches understandable by the public, large audiences and thus made him popular and loved as people found him as a role model who reinforced their ideas about the Treaty of Versailles, French invasion, the Depression and many more.
Josef Goebells was in charge of the propaganda. The recently developed media had a massive impact on people’s decisions, influenced them and even made them support the Nazi. Using clearer and simpler messages, their ideas stuck into German people’s minds.
Their organization also impressed people because at that time, during The Depression, they felt and needed an organized political power which they could trust and put their hopes in. The SA, Brown Shirts and parades convinced them that the Nazi party were trustworthy.
The Nazi promised the people to make Germany a great country again, attitude which exalted the nation and fulfilled its ultimate dream. Hitler had outstanding empathic skills which heloped him identify the people’s goals with his leadership. The Nazi Party had no competent opposition to fight against, making it easier for Hitler to achieve his aims. The Communist party was fairly popular among the unemployed and poor. However, considering the poor reputation of the Communists among the rich, these found hope in Hitler to preserve their fortunes and wealth. This turned out to be in favour of the Nazi because they were backed up by the rich people who were subsequently the most powerful. Of course rich people dreaded the idea of having to share their hard-worked money with the unemployed.
Papen and Hitler’s deal also had a massive impact on Hitler’s political importance as he managed, using his charisma and strategy policy to get the role that led him and gave him the power to declare himself Dictator. The Nazi party also had the change to bring their ideas to life.
Yes, the Wall Street Crash was an important factor that helped Hitler rise to power. However, I think that the political deal between Papen and Hitler had a more crucial role. The reason for which this was a key factor was that it gave Hitler the power he needed to accomplish his vision of becoming the dictator of Germany. Therefore, he succeeded in pursuing his ideas by controlling the masses with his notorious hypnotic speech skills.