The Weimar Republic faced many crises in 1923 for a variety of reasons

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One effect on the Nazi party of Hitler becoming its leader was that it became much more successful and well-known than before. Hitler was a strong leader and a good speaker, who used the crowd mentality to aid his speeches and gain large amounts of support and became a national figure, eventually. By introducing the 25 point plan and then renaming the party, he got power and the support of the rest of the party. He also essentially tailored the party to is beliefs and views, allowing him to speak for his views with support from a party.

The Weimar Republic faced many crises in 1923 for a variety of reasons most of these were influenced by the extremely punitive Treaty of Versailles. Some crises were to do with money, and some crises were due to the instability of the Weimar Republic.

Because the Treaty of Versailles asked for £6600 million in reparations, the government soon was very short on money, especially with the money from industry being highly limited due to the passive resistance in the Ruhr, as well as having to pay the government workers. The government then printed more money, which they didn't have. This led to the value of money nosediving, so much so, that a cup of coffee could go work from 5000 marks in price to 8000 marks in the space of 15 minutes. This resulted in money being practically useless and the development of a barter economy. This was caused by the unrestricted printing of money, forced by the economic pressure placed on the government by the passive resistance in the Ruhr, the size of the reparations and the payment for the people working in the government.

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The occupation of the Ruhr was one of the aspects that highly damaged Germany's economy due to the passive resistance by the Germans. Although France technically invaded Germany to take control of the Ruhr, because Germany was not keeping up with its reparations and so France wanted to seize some of Germany's industrial power, it was perfectly allowed and legal under the Treaty of Versailles. The German workers responded with passive resistance, meaning that they didn't do anything for the French and they didn't work at the industry at all. Although this was a peaceful protest against the French, ...

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