There were many causes of the Bolshevik Revolution

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Rosie Owen 11H

There were many causes of the Bolshevik Revolution. Which do you consider to be the most important?

The under lying causes of the Bolshevik Revolution are rooted deep in Russia’s history. For a long-time, autocratic and repressive Tsarist regimes ruled the country and most of the population lived under severe economic and social conditions. During the 19th century and early 20th century various movements aimed at overthrowing the oppressive government were staged at different times by workers, peasants, and members of the nobility.

Two of these unsuccessful movements were the 1825 revolt against Nicholas 1 and the revolution of 1905, both of which were to establish a constitutional monarchy. Russia’s badly organised and unsuccessful involvement in World War 1 (1914-1918) added to popular discontent with the government’s corruption and inefficiency. In 1917 these events resulted in the fall of the Tsarist government and established the Bolshevik Party, a radical overshoot of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party, as the ruling power.

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There were many effects of the war on the people back home in Russia, food was getting short and many of the male peasants had been conscripted in to the army. This meant that there was a shortage of farm workers and less food was produced. The Russian railway system was being used to carry supplies to the war front and this meant that food was not getting to the cities.

Many of the coal and industrial factories closed, making their workers unemployed. The lack of coal and fuel in the cities meant that the people ...

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