Two Steps Forward……

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Two Steps Forward……


     It cannot be argued that humankind’s recent history has been fraught with change; sometimes cataclysmic and other times, gradual.   At points, humans have fought against change with a vehemence rarely unsheathed, yet at others they have welcomed change with open arms as it meant an end to tyranny or oppression.   When humans resist the forces of change it can generally be attributed to an attack on a fundamental set of beliefs, which define the lives of those who would be changed.  The ebb and flow of belief systems across the Middle East and Europe over the last few millennia provide ample examples of the natural human cynicism and self-riotous attitudes, which lead to violence when challenged.  

     Belief systems are a natural psychological constructs which have allowed humans and their leaders the luxury of putting aside fundamental questions regarding history, death, nature, social relationships among others, not the least of which is the question of why do we exist?  These constructs allowed the newly conscious and inquisitive humans the luxury of avoiding the inevitable frustration of ignorance.  The frustration, if left to fester, would become torment, and eventually spiral into anarchy, as others in the society would be forced to lose that battle as well.  The problem is that these constructs become entrenched in the very fabric of the society they were meant to dupe. The people who were meant to administer the symbols of these constructs develop a vested interest in them and their continuation.  

      It’s apparent that the bulk of the belief systems referred to are reflected in religious organizations, which have existed in one form or another as far back as humans have recorded.   These organizations purport to have all the answers regarding the nature of existence; how to live your life, what to do, what not to do, and so on. The social hierarchy that dominates these structures is indicative of the natural inequality that exists between humans who first chose to define themselves and their less noble counterparts.  As with the nobility, the religious ranks have a vested interest in the status quo because when one defines the nature of fundamental principles, it is inherently delegitimizing to alter the parameters of those principles, once laid down.  Sudden change in the truth surrounding belief systems often has an easily understood destabilizing effect. This effect emanates from the nature of what it means to be at the base of something. If starting from nothing, as humans once did, a base must be used for the construction of whatever it is that is to be built.  For humans, the primary focus of initial collective action was determined by the nature of the evolutionary change that occurred within them.

 For evolutionary primates, instinct was subverted by the development of consciousness, which replaced it with a new and altogether unfathomable concept, that of fear.  Natural autonomic functions were changed by sentience into something unexplainable.  A shift from the blissful state of nature humans had enjoyed for millennia was prompted by this inability to explain and consequently anarchy was born out of bliss. The reason for life had changed from strictly survival to include pressing questions that challenged the need for survival but more importantly fears of death.

    In order to solve these new problems, humans endeavored to construct something capable of explaining the unexplainable and answering the unanswerable.  The belief system was formed to accomplish this task and consequently formed the base from which all other societal constructs would flow. The human achievements which followed this primary human construct emanated both vertically and horizontally from the root belief system. If human development were a tower under construction, some stones would be laid around the base and some directly on it. A dependency is developed however, due to the nature of this kind of hierarchal structure,   by the latter on the former. Any attempt to modify the nature of the base of the tower of human achievement causes shock waves to echo throughout the structure, igniting again the ageless enemy of fear and the natural human will to resist.  

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     One would think that change would be rare, and indeed for most of humankind’s existence it has. The more recent human context has provided for a wealth of change however, as humans reached a technological and social critical mass in the past quarter millennia. The battle has been constant between the fearless revisionists and their skittish orthodox counterparts who have been steadily losing ground since the scientific method was developed. For the most part, the regular defeat of the modern forces of orthodoxy can be attributed to the secondary significance of the ideals which are being challenged. Not ...

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